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Healing or just getting familiar?


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Is it healing, or is it just getting use to life with fear?  In other words, are these very, very, brief moments the start of windows or am I just getting more familiar living with the fear and doing activities with the fear?  Does that make sense?  Has anyone else had the thought that after a certain amount of time, you are just living and doing things with this constant fear, instead of being stuck not socializing and not participating in anything?  Sorry if that doesn't make sense, it's just something I have thought of for some time now. 

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Hey there!   You are pretty early in this process.   To answer your question, we are always healing.  It is hard to say what the "brief" moments of "normalcy" are.   Whatever they are, it is a good sign that you are having these moments.   Your nervous system is trying to recalibrate.   Trusting the process of healing and accepting that it might take some time is a posture that will make this process a bit easier. 

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Yes, 7 months is pretty early.   Everyone is very different.   There really isn't a clear cut timeline.   The Ashton manual refers to 12-18 months as a timeframe, but that is based on really old data, and there is anecdotal evidence that for some people it takes longer than that.   Since we don't know how long it will be, it is important to focus on the fact that we all heal.    You will eventually get back to life without symptoms.   

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I have been off 13 months.  I am a lot better but I don’t think I will be really ok till about another year.  So I’m thankful that I am not suffering but still not ok.  

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On 08/09/2023 at 11:45, [[d...] said:

Yes, 7 months is pretty early.   Everyone is very different.   There really isn't a clear cut timeline.   The Ashton manual refers to 12-18 months as a timeframe, but that is based on really old data, and there is anecdotal evidence that for some people it takes longer than that.   Since we don't know how long it will be, it is important to focus on the fact that we all heal.    You will eventually get back to life without symptoms.   

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@[Go...]  It seems like you are really frustrated with your situation.      Your suffering is real and even though 7 months is relatively early, it probably seems like years to you.   Each day seems like a week when you are experiencing these terrible symptoms, especially the nonstop anxiety.   I don't know about everyone else on this site, but I have not been able to work, my relationships have suffered, and my life is not at all what it used to be before whithdrawal.   Having said that, I know I will heal, and on the really bad days, I have to try to stay positive.    I don't want to pretend I completely understand what you are going through, but I understand the difficulties of this process.   7 1/2 months of "hell", as you put it, is horrific.    It seems so cruel to have to suffer like this.   I hope your healing process will come to an end soon.  

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