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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Jump Day


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After 135 days of tapering, i have officially made it to my jump day!  Excited but a little nervous!!!

I stuck to Ashton all the way down. Except, i stayed at 2mg Diazepam for 21 days. Every other drop was at 14 days. 

My w/d symptoms havent been too bad. Standard benzo belly stuff, blurry vision here and there, slight upticks in anxiety every drop, headaches, brain fog, body aches. None very serious. And most clearing up within 3 days after a drop.

I Typically stayed around 5-8 hours of sleep. Sometimes even getting as high as 10 hours on weekends!  I feel extremely lucky to have made it to this point and just wanted to say thanks to this forum and the mods here. Early on, when i c/t’d from 1mg Ativan it wasnt pretty and i was scared to death. After reinstating and getting valuable info here at BB, my taper went as smooth as anyone could ask. 

Prayers for this last drop please!

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Congratulations @[Ph...] you learned a lot, and now you are off, I am thinking that you will probably feel like you have been going down, and then you will wake one morning and tapering will not be the first thing on your mind. I remember when I walked off....when I passed my kitchen, I kept thinking I have to take my brew, so I rearranged the area I kept everything and now I had my kitchen back and wonderful peace of mind. I was blessed not to have acute, and I felt just like I did when on benzo's, but a relief that I can not put in words. Stay Strong.💖 Peace and Healing.

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@[Zi...] i am jumping from 1mg. I have stuck to Ashton dropping on average 1mg every 14 days. (I started at 1mg Ativan and then subbed to 7mg Valium.)

I felt ok most of the way down. Thou once I went from 3 down to 2mg i did start to feel some heavier w/d. But nothing crazy. 

Ashton recommends safe to jump at 1mg so i am going for it. Every other drop was a 1mg drop. So i know what i am in for mostly. 

I think you are good from where you are at for sure. Unless it has been extremely painful taper for you. 

personally, I was not at tolerance and had a short time on benzos. So i was able to stay aggressive somewhat. I am thankful i was able to stay employed and function all the way down. 

wishing you the best!

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That ´s great that your taper was ok. For me it was more complicated because of harmfull treatment with other psych meds during last 7years. My brain was pollydrugged and kindled more times and I was really in bad state 3,5 years ago when I started multiple taper from 4 drugs I was on those times. 
Valium is the last but one. I already tapered off off Antipsychotics and Antidepressants. My very last drug will be Zolpidem. 
Fingers crossed for your last 1mg drop. 

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Just found out i have covid. Feeling terrible today. Cant tell if from covid or benzo withdrawal. 

Just my luck to catch it right as i jump…

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1 hour ago, [[P...] said:

Just found out i have covid. Feeling terrible today. Cant tell if from covid or benzo withdrawal. 

Just my luck to catch it right as i jump…

omg, that sux, I'm so sorry. Have you jumped already? Maybe you should wait it out a couple days until you're Covid free? 

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2 hours ago, [[J...] said:

omg, that sux, I'm so sorry. Have you jumped already? Maybe you should wait it out a couple days until you're Covid free? 

Sadly i am already on day 3. I think i am just going to tough it out. On the bright side i cant tell what is making feel miserable the covid or withdrawal. I’m just going to tell myself it is the covid and that i am free and clear of the benzos. 

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Hang in there @[Ph...] I know it is hard, but you can get through Covid and your post wd will get better over time. You are now a benzo Warrior and your strength will carry you. Take care of yourself and rest please. Stay Strong. 💖Peace and Healing.

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Figured i would hop back on and give an update after a week of ZERO benzos! :)

My Covid has cleared up. It was very mild thankfully and it felt no worse than a common cold. With those symptoms clearing, i have to say that my brain has felt excellent today. I am able to have clear thinking again. I don’t lose my train of thought near as easy. With this new found clarity my tolerance for BS at work has slipped and i found myself complaining about stuff really outside my control. I have to learn how to bite my tongue again lol. 

I plan to just take it easy on my body for 3 more weeks and then move on to a happier and healthier me. Lots of weights to lift and miles to jog. 

I know this isnt easy for many of you. While i had a few struggles, my taper wasn’t too terrible and i am already feeling better in 1 week, despite covid. I hope this can give inspiration to some. 

From here on i will see all of you in the success stories shortly down the road and i will continue to pray for all going through this and forging a better life. 

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