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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Extreme weakness left body falling down


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Ever since taking a benzo I am extremely weak. So it’s not directly a result of the withdrawal I had it the first month on them. 
When I stand it feels like I am pulled by the ground and I that I am falling over like if my body is making a head roll feeling . I also feel so much pressure and heaviness everywhere and pulling muscles that I immediately have to lay down again. None of it is improving after 9 months off.

My pressure everywhere I think is responsible for it 

Does someone’s recognize this 

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@[Ma...] yes I felt that way during my first two tapers from hell....felt like my head and shoulders going backwards to bottom of floor, when standing it was so horrible and my shoulders while sitting wrapping around my neck. It was so intense. I had to make a decision, and I chose to go back on Valium twice, because my ENT Doctor was tapering me too fast and I was beyond suffering. I had no choice...and for me it worked. I was able to reinstate and my third taper was different and doable, hard, but nothing like before. I hope things get better for you soon. I am not saying you should reinstate, but you may be going faster than your Brain can handle, it needs time to adjust to cuts and most just want to get off, but we need to listen to our body. Stay Strong.

💖Peace and Healing.

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Thank you so much for your reply 


I am afraid of reinstatement cause since I quit the drug I was able to have my child back into my home. 
i was so bad on the drug too mentally. Cause I had severe akathasia. Physically I was doing much better on the drug .

do you think it will heal ? I have no improvements 9 months off. Only mental. 
Difficult situation…:(

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54 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

Thank you so much for your reply 

I am afraid of reinstatement cause since I quit the drug I was able to have my child back into my home. 
i was so bad on the drug too mentally. Cause I had severe akathasia. Physically I was doing much better on the drug .

do you think it will heal ? I have no improvements 9 months off. Only mental. 
Difficult situation…:(

I agree with you about reinstatement, for me it was all I could do. Yes you will heal, but like all things with benzo's it takes time, your Brain is working as hard as it can to come back and it will. Healing is very slow for some, and if you read the Success stories, you will see that others had bad times too. Try to do the best you can each day, and focus on things that bring joy to you. I know it is hard, but sometimes we have to do just that. Start out watching some the funny YouTube pups and kittens, they are so funny. I am so happy that getting off resulted in you getting your child back, that is awesome. Hang in there, I know you have a Success Story in you too.:thumbsup:

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Thanks a lot @[be...] I will see a movement disorder specialist soon and i will talk about the reinstatement possibilities and I think i cant do it but this is also so intense…. It’s a hard choice . But I do really do prefer the dystonia and bedridden live above life threatening akathasia. 

Thank you so much . ♥️

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1 hour ago, [[M...] said:

Thanks a lot @[be...] I will see a movement disorder specialist soon and i will talk about the reinstatement possibilities and I think i cant do it but this is also so intense…. It’s a hard choice . But I do really do prefer the dystonia and bedridden live above life threatening akathasia. 

Thank you so much . ♥️


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WhAt do you think about reinstatement with baclofen for the dystonia symptoms ?


it works on GABA but it works different than a benzo ( zopiclone in my case) so maybe less of a risk of akathasia 

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