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Help with blood pressure


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I have taken clonazepam for going on 14 years now at a dose which started at about 0.5 mg a day and has been steadily increased over the years to 1.5mg per day in divided doses. I am sensitive to any drug which increases serotonin such as SSRIs. My main issue now is my blood pressure which sometimes can be 180/110 or so. Problem is every time I try a blood pressure medication like amlodipine or losartan, I wind up unable to sleep after about a month in. I wind up dropping off the blood pressure medication each time. I am worried the clonazepam is the culprit. However, I am not in a position now to start a taper due to my work. Has anyone had experience with a blood pressure medication that has worked while taking benzodiazepines long term. 



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This sounds like something your doctor needs to be involved with.   What does your doctor say about your situation?   How long have these blood pressure spikes been happening?     When you say your are worried that the "clonazepam is the culprit", what do you mean by this?  Causing the blood pressure spikes?  There are members who say they have blood pressure issues while on a benzodiazepine and also during withdrawal and recovery.     If you could give us more information about your situation, that would help, but you don't want to mess around with blood pressure issues.  

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An RN here. I looked in a few medication interaction checkers and read through each drugs actions. There are no reported interactions between clonazepam and losartan and clonazepam and amlodipine. Further, neither of the BP meds would have any kinetic action on the mechanisms that relate to insomnia.  Please call your doctor to discuss you concerns. These classes of BP meds (ARB and CCB) are not contraindicated w/ benzo use. 


Further, your reported blood pressure is dangerously high. When it hits the level you reported, you need to go to the ER immediately to have it lowered. That level is a medical emergency.

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