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Very sick at six months


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I’m very very sick nauseous dizzy headaches swallowing issues dry eyes dry mouth fear 

very weak I’m very scared I don’t have any firm if support or anyone I know to help nothing tastes right and little to know appetite so I’ve lost weight hair falling out etc I’m so sad I’ve had numerous tests done and either I’m damaged or I don’t know I just don’t want to feel this way anymore 

literally have no one to talk to thru this I feel like I’m dieing 

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You’ve received some excellent support from other members of the team as well as Buddies. 

Withdrawal can present some extremely inexplicable symptoms. I personally think it is a good idea to have a thorough check up. I did, and was tested for a plethora of conditions, some of them scary. All my tests were negative so I had to attribute the symptoms to withdrawal. I was very lucky to have a doctor who agreed.

As others have said, you are really early in recovery. At 6 months I was very symptomatic. The best thing I did was to distract from the symptoms, practice patience and acceptance and forbade myself from using Dr. Google. 

Benzos affect all parts of the human system. It takes a while for each part to find balance again. While my recovery took a lot longer than I wished or expected, I’m very glad I persevered. You will be too.

pianogirl :smitten:

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I’ve had a though check up I’m having so much nausea ongoing headaches muscle aches fear and 

again the nausea it’s all day long never stops I really don’t want food either everything tastes bad and my dr said after the first month I should have felt fine no he does not believe in Post with steels my head is killing me and hard to even raise my head actually I’m alone and very thirsty nothing I drink quenches it - in constant pain ???

I can’t seem to drive even yet feel very damaged and scared 

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