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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Always bedridden


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I have been off for almost 14 months now. But I have terrible difficulty in sitting upright especially for some reason while I'm in the house. I can sit quite easily upright in the car, but as soon as I am indoors I can barely stand up. Standing up is difficult for me at all times. Sitting up at our table takes great effort but I do try. But always end up back in bed. Why is this? I want to sit in the loungeroom with my husband but struggle to do so. Could it be that I need to try harder to sit up in our loungeroom? Someone suggested that I needed to retrain my brain to sit up longer, could this be the case?. If so could someone offer me.some advice. Thanking you 

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What are your issues when sitting and standing up?  Dizziness?

I simply cannot get comfortable in many chairs.  I’m always very uncomfortable due to muscle tension and some “head symptoms” and pressures.   I do fine in like sofa chairs and most comfortable chairs that have a good back, like an office chair or my driver’s seat.  But I can’t get comfortable in restaurant chairs or small, flimsy chairs.  Part of the reason is if I lean back I get this sensation like I’m falling which is awful.  So typically I’m sitting on the edge of my chair when I do that.  This stuff is crazy.  Trivial things like this that I never thought about before are giving me problems.  My physical equilibrium is just out of wack. 

I’m more comfortable standing up and moving around than I am sitting in a flimsy chair.  

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I can only lay down for 22 months now. 
first because of severe wekNess but since they took me off cold turkey I developed dystonia so bad i cannot sit up my muscles pulling tightening and feels like my body turns into stone 

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I believe it's numerous things. 

Muscles can be tight and uncomfortable for sitting. 

Also when my brain is anxious my body feels it and it feels better to lay down to ease anxiety. Our brains are busy at work trying to repair for healing on top of the anxiety..that takes a lot of energy..in return makes us feel exhausted sitting up.

I believe it's neuro exhaustion.


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