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How do I feel good about life again???


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I've been on benzos so Iong ( as well as an almost 4 year taper) that life had/ is awful. I'm sad, scared and have zero self-esteem. I wonder if I'll ever,rejoin life again- I've lost decades. Anyone else have this perspective??? I'd like to hear it. Sorry to be a bummer.

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@[Bu...] no I do not feel this way, but I know during my tapers, I felt some of those feelings,but as I went on, things got better, and I got my head back on straight. There is no one, that has not been affected, and lost time, it has happened to all of us. I guess I am saying you are not alone in your thinking.  You must always remember this is not the real you, the thoughts are from the benzo discontinuation. If they can make one miserable enough, then they think you will go back on and live with benzo's forever, but you have a choice...and you made it, and you will be OK, is it easy, no way, but you are doing the best you can. There are ways of picking yourself back up, and you know most of the things that will help, you have to decide, what will help you the best going forward. And you will find a way to cope. Stay Strong.💖Peace and Healing.

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Benzos withdrawal hurts us in so many ways and leaves us with many feelings to process.  It's not unlike the fallout from any trauma that steals our joy and sense of safety.  I'm nearly 4 years post jump. For me, it took a while for the fear to settle down and to regain confidence in my own competency.   In my view, this is a continuation of the healing process. Little by little, the lightness of life, equanimity and sense of competency have returned.  You will get there too.

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