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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Cannot calm down


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Just got exposed to Covid by my lazy, entitled deadbeat 35 yr old brother.  The kid does NOTHING for himself, he's not chronically ill like me and has no clue. He treats my parents horribly and they enable it. He pays zero bills, zero rent, zero help to my parents and a few months ago bought a brand spanking new pickup truck that takes up much of their driveway. I tell my parents my concern and it's laughed then I get my butt chewed out. What's wrong with this? When his (now ex girlfriend) was living with my parents him and the ex pulled so many dirty stunts. NOTHING is wrong with that as what I'm told. My brother runs the show in that home. I guess in life being an entitled POS individual gets you somewhere?

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