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Can someone explain to me the stages of withdrawal? (Acute, post acute for example)


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So far i've heard acute, post acute and protracted withdrawal. I have a vague understanding of each of them, will explain what I think I know and am asking if anyone can explain these to me, it'd really help to understand where I am and what to look out for.

Acute-basically right after quitting, subsides quickly? as in then you enter post acute

Post accute-the things you have to deal with being taken off said chemical and going through dependence related withdrawals

Protracted withdrawal-years later basically symptoms you are left with after post acute

Edited by [st...]
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Welcome to BB @[st...] good that you are asking questions, I always thought Acute was right after you finished a benzo, and the rest sound OK, but not sure. So we will both gain knowledge when you receive more clarification. Stay Strong.💖Peace and Healing.

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Basically yes, although some gradually just improve without the phases.

There's a thread that many have found useful in the past and used to be a sticky, before the move to the new software. 


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@[st...]Welcome to Benzo Buddies!  Glad you are here with us.

That is a great question, the Four Phases of Withdrawal article mentioned above should help.

Here are a few other thoughts.

Acute Withdrawal is typically considered the time frame right after you jump, however I have read many stories of members who feel as if they are in acute withdrawal before their final jump.  This might occur when they get down extremely low on their dose while tapering.    I am not sure how quickly it subsides, there have been estimates that it may last 1-2 months.

Post Acute is the time after the symptoms from acute withdrawal begin to settle down and goes up to 18 months post withdrawal.

Protracted Withdrawal would be anything after 18 months regardless of how intense the symptoms.   This group can include people that are still symptomatic, but the symptoms are very, very mild, but they don't feel healed yet.

Having said all this, there is still much to know and learn about BIND (Benzo Induced Neurological Dysfunction).  Since there has not been a lot research done in this field, most of this is based on anecdotal evidence.

Hope this helps!



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