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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Dealing With the Stresses of Life and Recovery Setbacks -


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Does anyone else experience being constantly hit with stressful situations causing setbacks?  I have had numerous in the last three years after my final jump after my taper from Diazepam in March of 2020.

When things in my life are somewhat calm and settled, my food sensitivities are less and I can incorporate more foods, I gain a little weight and the anxiety does not completely go away but isn’t  24/7.

In my world right now, there is no consistency in my environment.  From my family, my friends, home health care providers, my primary care doctor, specialists, dentist, and psychologist.  They either go part-time, making it difficult to get in to see them or they just up and quit or retire so I have the added stress of finding new help.

Prayer helps but there are times I feel like in these times, it’s a “pile on“, and some of the additional tools like the meditative breathing techniques are just too “passive.” And there are times I’m so congested from a Histamine Surge attack. It’s work to just breathe deeply.

I am so hungry for foods I am sensitive to, and I have lost so much weight, I have decided to sparingly incorporate and eat some of the foods I am sensitive to and pay the price the next day.  (I’m praying the 24-hour lag time now means I am healing because the reaction came a lot sooner.)

I have also found that if I am in a food sensitivity histamine attack, it takes at least 8 hours to get some relief.  For some reason Zinc Picolinate helps me sleep but it also groggy and light headed the next day.  And I’m too scared to try a Trace Mineral combination.

I know recovery is an individual thing that varies. Are there any Buddies going or gone through this in recovery and found any tools or any specific Trace Minerals or natural supplements that they found somewhat or significantly progressed their recovery?  Thanks so much


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Zinc piccolinate can upset your stomach, here is the proof. I also know it from experience. While mentally I felt fine on it, my stomach just rejected it after a few doses. 

Vitamins B are important trace minerals, as well as magnesium, vitamin D, fish oil, vitamin C. I mean you don't take all these things at once. Take one in the minimum amount and see how your body reacts. It may last several days. Amino acids are also helpful, my favorite being L-Theanine. My pdoc is skeptical about them, but he earns money on prescription meds, not on OTC stuff.

Things that have always helped me also include lemon balm, hops and passion flower. You can buy them all in the form of pills. But it's trial and error. You need to try just one thing for a longer period and see how you react.

Here is the list of other supplements. I only know those I mentioned. Some people don't believe in supplements at all. I do. 

You need to see a doctor to talk over your gastric problems in more detail. Though I'm almost sure they are related to your psyche.

Take care:hug:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Estee, Sorry so slow. Had a temporary struggle...  I tell you my next door neighbor passed.  She was one of those people that was loving, caring and concerned about me and my kids, like a sister...I miss her.

The Zinc Picolinate doesn't bother my stomach. I take it with my meal(s).  Also, I don't take it daily.  I take it once a week, so I don't overdose and cause a copper imbalance.


Yes, I have been afraid to try a B Vitamin complex. I sometimes get really ramped up after eating organ meats like beef and chicken liver. I believe I was taking Magnesium for too long, it increases dizziness for me now. I do take vitamin C but vitamin D, fish oil and COQ10 make me so anxious and shaky right now I can't handle the extra to deal with. Yes, I try everything individually so can identify what helps and doesn't. Amino acids like Taurine and L- Theanine help except if I'm in the midst of a reaction.  It's tough though, because it's hard to be proactive.  For example, I had Udi's Gluten Free Microwave Muffins, not realizing it had pea powder and yikes!! my friend I had a tough night.   

Yep, at least you get a response from your My pdoc.  I can't take benzos, SSRI'S, Famotidine and I am extremely sensitive to the blood pressure meds he prescribed. When I bring up natural supps, he looks confused, afraid and a little annoyed he can't get me on meds that will provide the money he earns on prescription meds.  And he is working part-time, two to three days a week.

I have lemon balm tea it's strange because it helps but I'm still shaky.  (Maybe the tea isn't a strong enough?) Yes, I think I need to try just one thing for a longer period.  Have you tried Thiamin?

I agree, I believe in supplements.  I took supplements before Benzos and they were beneficial, so yes, I am going to continue trying to incorporate them into my routine. 

Yes, I have an appt with a Gastro doctor in Dec. I agree, I am praying and working on how I handle grief and stress.  I'm telling myself, I used to be such a strong woman before Benzos.  Well now, I am telling myself. "Linda, you ARE that same strong woman"  

Thank you so much Paula for responding. :hug:


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