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It is being a long road


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Hey everyone, after 3 years I came back to this forum.

First of all, I can't remember everything I posted in here, my life has changed so much, so did my personality got more mature - I'm 26 years old, I started to check this forum when I was 23 with this account, I have another one that I created when I was 20 years old (if any Admin or Mod would like to delete it for the fact I don't use it anymore, please message me). I don't remember, I might have been lied in here about my past dosages of Klonopin because I was extremely ASHAMED of it. What matters is that now I understand the importance of taking seriously this road of WD. In these 3 years I gave up many, many times, I abused Klonopin to extreme dosages of 20, 30, 40mg a night... I also was an opiate abuser, cannabis and alcohol user. Now I'm 9 months opiate free, almost 1 year weed free and 6 months alcohol free, these things have changed my life so much... And also during these times I exercised a lot and started cognitive therapy, which helped me to understand my addiction problems. Now it is time to get rid of Klonopin, because I don't need it and I want to be drug free before my 30's. I'm doing an excellent work with my therapist about this, and I'm considering going to a psychiatrist to get some support on it. What I did for years is that when it came weekend I'd simply take a lot of Klonopin (20mg+), the rest of the week I'd take random Klonopin dosages, that could go from 4 to 12mg. Now that my life is different, from Monday to Friday my dosage is 4mg a day, no more, no less, weekends are always bad for me because I take more (20mg max), but I've been working on it, specially on getting these weekend dosages lower (reducing the 20mg to 10mg for example). I have been experiencing agoraphobia and photophobia specially, anxiety and depression, but these things I can deal with, I'm an active perrson - I work from Monday to Friday and exercise almost daily. And I WILL quit Klonopin, I'm just lost on what should I do first? I already tried to not take these "weekend abusive dosages", but I felt horrible, because I'm psychologically and physically dependant on it, but hey the good thing is that I at least realized it, now I can work on it. And I understand my case might be scary or different, but still I'm going to quit it, and please any hints will be welcome, ANY. I don't want to ruin my CNS and my life.

Thanks everyone - stay well and healthy. 

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Welcome back @[He...].  Wow you've done a lot of work, getting free of opiates, cannabis and alcohol.  Now I hear your determination to quit Klonopin loud and clear.  Your perseverance so far is really admirable.  This strength and determination will help carry you through this next challenge.

My first thought is that before you start tapering off your goal needs to be getting onto a consistent daily dose 7 days a week.  So you would continue to take your Monday-Friday doses for now.  I think you're on the right track trying to gradually reduce your weekend doses.  In my opinion it would be a mistake to simply drop them - it would be very hard on your CNS.  I think increments you reduce by probably need to be less than the 10mg drop you mention.  I'm hoping someone with more tapering knowledge than I have will step in.  


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7 minutes ago, [[B...] said:

Welcome back @[He...].  Wow you've done a lot of work, getting free of opiates, cannabis and alcohol.  Now I hear your determination to quit Klonopin loud and clear.  Your perseverance so far is really admirable.  This strength and determination will help carry you through this next challenge.

My first thought is that before you start tapering off your goal needs to be getting onto a consistent daily dose 7 days a week.  So you would continue to take your Monday-Friday doses for now.  I think you're on the right track trying to gradually reduce your weekend doses.  In my opinion it would be a mistake to simply drop them - it would be very hard on your CNS.  I think increments you reduce by probably need to be less than the 10mg drop you mention.  I'm hoping someone with more tapering knowledge than I have will step in.  

Thank you! 

Yes, I follow the same line of thought, from Monday to Friday the usual 4mg, and working on my weekend dosage. I haven't felt good for years, and I think this is due to going to a constant WD of this weekend dosage. 

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I would guess you're experiencing interdose withdrawal due to the extremely inconsistent dosing each week.  I think slow and steady will help you stabilize.   Your CNS is probably sensitized by all the changes over the past year - good changes!- but it may take some time to settle down. But you'll get there.  I think you're starting off with a great attitude.

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