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Can't handle worry and anxiety!!!


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I'm essentially done my 3 1/2 year taper. However, my mental health has/is been horrible! I'm so scared- my own intrusive/ negative thoughts are crushing me. You'dthink the worst is behind me but no. Everyday is a struggle. What do I do? When will this end? Any positivity is appreciated 

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Hugs I’m right there with you. I didn’t have such intrusive thoughts and been on 3 1/2yr taper journey as well at very end and terrified to jump off at .005mg.

Sending hugs your way and remember thoughts are just body function. They aren’t who you are morally or as a person. We are in protect state so the thoughts will be negative and strange and nothing of who defined us. Say stinking thinking and call them out, 

sending hugs  

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hi @[Bu...]  We are here for you!   This will end.     Things will begin to slowly improve.   I know it is so difficult when you are right in the thick of things, but one day this will all be a memory.   Keep reaching out here for support.   You are not alone.

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Bulldog I get this 100%. Thursday and Friday weren't too bad then everything came back full force, my sad reality. It's a long holiday weekend and I just can't relax. I had a bad episode about an hour ago and it freaked my mom out, I couldn't shake it off.

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Full force moment for me today too. I try to get out and be with my family, but it's so very hard. Had to leave. I'm lucky I have a place to come to. At times, the memories I now feel are too hard. But being awake is life.

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Thanks, sunflower & grace. I'm so sorry you both feel as crappy as I feel. Life's so difficult and has been. I can't protect myself from my own negative thoughts

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