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Do benzos (and withdrawal) cause big hormone changes/imbalances?


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I'm wondering this because honestly, what don't they mess with?? 

I'm almost 16 months off use from a young age to recently (11/12 to 29). I'm now 31 and I don't like to admit it, but I look horrendous compared to how I used to. My hair has thinned so badly. I went to a derm yesterday for HORMONAL ACNE (my face is COVERED in acne and I get these painful, cystic bumps as well) and she also said I have adrogenic alopecia. 

My hair has thinned and is almost nonexistent on top, by my part. And my face looks like one of a teenage boy going through puberty. I am 31!! 

Yes, I've had stress, but I noticed I would have breakouts like this in my 20s as well. I'm wondering if benzos could have had a role and if I'll ever be beautiful again. (if this will calm down).

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Things will calm down and you will be beautiful again.    Was your dermatologist able to help with the acne?   

As to the hormonal changes, many people say they had higher cortisol levels when they were going through withdrawal.   Cortisol is the primary stress hormone.  It gets elevated when we experience stress.   So yes, withdrawal can impact hormones.

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