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A sign of hope?


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Leaving work earlier I walked to my car and noticed a zip lock bag filled with stuff in it on top of my car. It was filled with prayer cards, a long rosary and a pin. I work in a hospital and there were dozens of cars still in the lot and nobody's else's car had them.

Sadly I thought it was a cruel joke,  as if I opened it a lethal powder could come out (you never know nowadays unfortunately the world has gone mad!!) But thankfully that was not the case.

Well, that made my evening to whomever did that for me just random, a staff member/colleague, patient or visitor I'll never know ❤️

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That's super nice. It helps in all of this to know someone cares. 

I got a care package from a friend recently. She had reconnected with me after not having been in touch since 1986!

It made me very emotional! 

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Oh, I love stories like this. Messages of hope are so comforting and a reminder that we are loved. Thank you for sharing this sweet story.

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@[Su...] such a touching thing to happen to you, I believe that the Angels had you in mind, and know how strong you are and need for support. Hope comes in small packages, but if we wait, it will come to us. This made my morning, thanks for sharing.💖 Peace and Healing

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Absolutely glad it could help you! It came at the right time, earlier in the day I texted my mom to vent and told her I don't know how much longer I can do this and face one more thing going wrong. Then this happened ❤️

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