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Sending Hope: Sharing the Small Wins


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Hi Fam, 

I'm three weeks out from jumping and wanted to share some amazing signs of recovery. There is some personal information included - related to reproductive stuff, so if you're a guy lacking maturity (kidding) maybe steer clear of this one.  My thought is, we're all adults here, so ... shouldn't be an issue  

I jumped off Alprazolam on June 6th and jumped of Diazepam August 8th. Toward the end when I was STILL on the medication - my symptoms were getting WORSE. Hair falling out, little to no sleep, irritability, digestive pain and issues, tinnitus, general high anxiety, some panic attacks etc. Something really important to note about the end: My symptoms were actually WORSE the day before I jumped, than the days that followed AFTER my jump. I truly believe my body was SO READY to be DONE with this evil drug. 

Women: For much of 2022 and most of 2023, I did not get a period. I have ALWAYS been regular my entire life. The only time I have EVER missed, was when I was VERY sick with some autoimmune issues and couldn't eat. I KNEW that when my cycle stopped ... that something WAS really wrong with my body. My cycle has returned - and it is back to be fully n'sync with the full moon. The fact that this drug can CAUSE my body from doing what it's supposed to do - is a sign these drugs are so evil. The hair loss is still happening but not nearly as bad. I am sleeping consistently 5-7 hours per night. Life is improving. 


For anyone reading this... who is struggling hard right now, I want you to know, you WILL recover. I will share another update in 30 days or so. So much love to each of you.


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Thank you for such a positive post! At age 67, 14 months CT, my hair has never looked better. Think I might even grow it out and have a bun like my grandma!

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What a great post this is :)  So glad to hear you’re well on your way to a full recovery! Celebrating the little things is SO important.

I was actually in a pretty brutal wave yesterday… and today I’m feeling so much better. Your words of hope and encouragement are super appreciated and needed! Things do continue to improve. Despite everything, it’s always an upward trend.

Looking forward to your next milestone! I wish you nothing but the best as you continue to heal!! Much love to you as well!

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5 hours ago, [[g...] said:

Thank you for such a positive post! At age 67, 14 months CT, my hair has never looked better. Think I might even grow it out and have a bun like my grandma!

THANK YOU so much for sharing this. The last couple years have been very trying with the hair loss. I've lost about 30% of my hair. It's been an emotional expeirence losing so much. Glad to hear your hair has never looked better! I'm hoping the hair loss ceases soon and regrowth will happen!

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Yes, the body seems to be slowly regaining homeostasis. I tend to miss periods cause of my Eating Disorder. Feels strange each time I do. Self-care is the first thing we need, and we tend to place ourselves last, don't we? Wishing you the best on your journey❤️


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