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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

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Hi Everyone, I am trying to stay off the forum while I heal, but I am returning because I could use some support tpday. For those of you who don't know my story, I was ripped off 1.5 mg Ativan almost one year ago. I have had severe akathisia, tinnitus, hyperacusis, inner vibration, numbness, suffered a dystonic episode, etc. It has been pure and utter hell on earth. I am still dealing with two dozen symptoms. I was put on Seroquel for sleep during benzo wd, and that tipped the scale and pretty much toppled it over. I tapered the Seroquel over 10 months. It was totally agitating my condition, and I have been off for weeks now. I started sleeping again 6-8 hours a night and was showing signs of improvement for weeks at a time getting lower and lower on the Seroquel. I went 14 days without pacing and with lessened akathisia and thought maybe that it was on its way out, then all of a sudden, yesterday, I got smacked with an increase back to 10/10 akathisia, and I have now been up for 48 hours pacing with the exception of a 3-hour nap. I feel frightened. Strangely, I am having what seems to be the start of tinnitus decrease this morning. I have not had windows and waves, just what I thought was the start of gradual improvement in the last two months. But to now be back to this is jarring and frightening. I am taking ZERO supplements, vitamins, or prescription drugs. I do not smoke, drink, or eat anything inflammatory, no caffeine and I do not drink any tea that acts on GABA. If anyone could comment hopeful things below, I would greatly appreciate it. Any details/stories you have that could help me while I survive this awful circumstance I would greatly appreciate. I am sensitive, and my system is still very fragile, so please keep that in mind and do not share scary details with me. Thank you very much.

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I am so sorry, Rebecca. Glad you got off the Seroquel bc that for sure is helpful for your system to regulate again.

I share in your same thing as I’m battling severe akathisia and horrid thoughts no sleep and just not sure how people do this. I’m so scared

lets be there for eachother. So much love and hugs to you. 

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@[Re...] so sorry about what was done to you, and glad that you are off of the meds. I am thinking that maybe your brain is in deep healing mode, and it is just taking time to completely ill, because if you felt better for 14 days, I am sure that even with the uptick, you will see relieve soon again. Hang in there and stay strong, there can be ups and downs and it takes time for the brain to adjust to the changes. 💖Peace and Healing.

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So sorry to hear your aka came back. I have been off propranolol for abt a month and my aka hasn't come back. I am hoping, like you, that its gone.........i do know it eventually will go away 100%........its great you are off all meds and supplements......i am as well and it makes me feel better about the situation..........it will pass. I too have tinnitus that hasn't gotten better. If anything its gotten worse.  

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8 hours ago, [[b...] said:

@[Re...] so sorry about what was done to you, and glad that you are off of the meds. I am thinking that maybe your brain is in deep healing mode, and it is just taking time to completely ill, because if you felt better for 14 days, I am sure that even with the uptick, you will see relieve soon again. Hang in there and stay strong, there can be ups and downs and it takes time for the brain to adjust to the changes. 💖Peace and Healing.

Thank you @[be...]. Was this your experience with akathisia? I hear one of two things. Either it disappears once off the drug or takes some time to heal slowly. Everyone is different obviously but it helps me gain comfort to ask for the details. The other symptoms are starting to act like a whack-a-mole game. One increases, another decreases,  rotatehey rotate on and off. Nothing has gone away YET, but this is what they are doing now.

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8 hours ago, [[B...] said:

I am so sorry, Rebecca. Glad you got off the Seroquel bc that for sure is helpful for your system to regulate again.

I share in your same thing as I’m battling severe akathisia and horrid thoughts no sleep and just not sure how people do this. I’m so scared

lets be there for eachother. So much love and hugs to you. 

I am so sorry, @[Bo...]. You did not ask, but I want to share that working with the right withdrawal coach has helped me a lot with getting through the toughest moments like today. I have someone who spends time with me at my home as well weekly to pass the time since I cannot do much yet. We gave her akathisia resources so she understands it, and I am safe. Are you currently tapering? I have had akathisia for 11 months since improper and overly rapid benzo "detox", but it got severe about 8 months ago when tapering Seroquel. I think the Seroquel just irritated the underlying issues. Thankfully, I got diagnosed with akathisia by a reputable provider, and that doctor educated my GP, so now I am protected by a couple of doctors who know about akathisia and have kept the others away who do not. Please know that you are in my thoughts and send you much love.

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@[Re...] Thank you,

im st .005mg of my K taper and crashed in July. Had been doing really decent few months prior with functionality after a long hard taper last 3 1/2yrs. 
my mom and brother are here with me and struggling to keep up bc I don’t sleep most nights and up screaming and crying twisting and just unbearable. I’ve had it throughout my taper but not to this extent and I could  cope thru it except one time when I crashed and had to hold taper and slow down.  Now I’m at a morning dose every med people use to help prop, metaprolol, Benadryl have made it worse and I’m just wondering how the heck to survive no sleep and this. I did the 0-3hrs sleep thing for most of my taper snd finally was sleeping decent again 4-5hrs in spring. Im so lost no bc the mental aka is psychotic acting for me.

I talk to Nicole Lamberson tomorrow and have talked with Dr Jenn lots. 

Thanks for your hugs 

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9 hours ago, [[R...] said:

Thank you @[be...]. Was this your experience with akathisia? I hear one of two things. Either it disappears once off the drug or takes some time to heal slowly. Everyone is different obviously but it helps me gain comfort to ask for the details. The other symptoms are starting to act like a whack-a-mole game. One increases, another decreases,  rotatehey rotate on and off. Nothing has gone away YET, but this is what they are doing now.

I never had akathisia, I am sorry about not being clear about that. I think it takes time to heal, and for most time can and is hard for all of us to accept.

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@[Re...] Hi love. I wasn't familiar with your story - thank you for sharing an overview. I can only imagine how epically frightening and disappointing this wave has been, considering you have been gradually improving and then.. boom, this wave comes on out of seemingly nowhere.

I can share some hope with you; something real and tangible to hang onto:

I tapered off two benzos concurrently, that I was on for three years. I tapered for ten months.; jumped off Xanax in June; Diazepam just three weeks ago. The day before jumping off the last benzo (and several weeks consistently before that), I experienced aka/tinnitus/insomnia/head pressure/sweats/cold chills/BODY PAIN... & much more. I couldn't take it anymore; I decided to just jump at .06. (I was planning on tapering another 90 days – but just had to try) I thought I was going to have even worse symptoms when jumping but ultimately - my body was just ready to be off of these medications.

I immediately improved immensely after jumping. Rebecca, it has only been three weeks since my jump: I have zero aka. I am sleeping 5-7 hours per night. I can actually feel my feelings and I don’t wake up in the morning in a cold sweat panicking. Life is… actually good today. If I’m being completely honest, I didn’t think that it was possible (a year ago when I was in the midst of the taper… I did not think I would find happiness.) I’m thinking of you – praying for you by name, and praying this wave goes as quickly as it came. Health and recovery is right around the corner.... Here to support you. Keep us posted. 


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On 31/08/2023 at 09:32, [[t...] said:

So sorry to hear your aka came back. I have been off propranolol for abt a month and my aka hasn't come back. I am hoping, like you, that its gone.........i do know it eventually will go away 100%........its great you are off all meds and supplements......i am as well and it makes me feel better about the situation..........it will pass. I too have tinnitus that hasn't gotten better. If anything its gotten worse.  

@[ty...]The tinnitus worsening makes sense if you just got off the prop. It's increased by the withdrawal. Your body needs time to adjust to a post-akathisia baseline. The tinnitus should fade over time. I am glad the prop worked for you. I was not able to tolerate it.

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15 hours ago, [[B...] said:

@[Re...] Thank you,

im st .005mg of my K taper and crashed in July. Had been doing really decent few months prior with functionality after a long hard taper last 3 1/2yrs. 
my mom and brother are here with me and struggling to keep up bc I don’t sleep most nights and up screaming and crying twisting and just unbearable. I’ve had it throughout my taper but not to this extent and I could  cope thru it except one time when I crashed and had to hold taper and slow down.  Now I’m at a morning dose every med people use to help prop, metaprolol, Benadryl have made it worse and I’m just wondering how the heck to survive no sleep and this. I did the 0-3hrs sleep thing for most of my taper snd finally was sleeping decent again 4-5hrs in spring. Im so lost no bc the mental aka is psychotic acting for me.

I talk to Nicole Lamberson tomorrow and have talked with Dr Jenn lots. 

Thanks for your hugs 

@[Bo...] I understand, believe me, I do. I was paradoxical to every med used for akathisia as well. I have been living with family as well and it puts a strain on them which is why we have someone else coming in to be with me weekly. I am glad you have family around you keeping you safe and out of the medical system. Did Dr. Jenn have akathisia? If so, I was not aware of that when I spoke with her. The mental and internal for me is worse than the pacing. But the pacing pushes it all over the edge. You are almost off the K. When I started coming off the Seroquel I started to have the days-long breaks from the pacing. The internal was still strong. I have spoken with other sufferers who have healed or are in the process of being totally healed and they all said the pacing was the first to go. Then the internal healed. We just don't know how we will heal. Things could disappear overnight or take time. There is nothing I can say in the face of akathisia to make it easier. I am so sorry that you are going through this and as a stranger on the internet who only wants you to live happily and thrive, I am here for you.

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15 hours ago, [[i...] said:

@[Re...] Hi love. I wasn't familiar with your story - thank you for sharing an overview. I can only imagine how epically frightening and disappointing this wave has been, considering you have been gradually improving and then.. boom, this wave comes on out of seemingly nowhere.

I can share some hope with you; something real and tangible to hang onto:

I tapered off two benzos concurrently, that I was on for three years. I tapered for ten months.; jumped off Xanax in June; Diazepam just three weeks ago. The day before jumping off the last benzo (and several weeks consistently before that), I experienced aka/tinnitus/insomnia/head pressure/sweats/cold chills/BODY PAIN... & much more. I couldn't take it anymore; I decided to just jump at .06. (I was planning on tapering another 90 days – but just had to try) I thought I was going to have even worse symptoms when jumping but ultimately - my body was just ready to be off of these medications.

I immediately improved immensely after jumping. Rebecca, it has only been three weeks since my jump: I have zero aka. I am sleeping 5-7 hours per night. I can actually feel my feelings and I don’t wake up in the morning in a cold sweat panicking. Life is… actually good today. If I’m being completely honest, I didn’t think that it was possible (a year ago when I was in the midst of the taper… I did not think I would find happiness.) I’m thinking of you – praying for you by name, and praying this wave goes as quickly as it came. Health and recovery is right around the corner.... Here to support you. Keep us posted. 

@[ia...] WOW. Thank you for sharing that. I am so happy for you. How did the akathisia disappear for you? Would you be willing to describe that experience and what it felt like? I am under the impression (because I did a blind taper) that I am two weeks off of the Seroquel,, but I do not want to know how I was tapered until the end of the year. I was CT'd off the benzo almost a y,ear ago and I didn't realize until I figured out what had happened to me that the doctor CT'd me off an antidepressant a year prior. And the benzo likely covered that withdrawal. But all of this likely accumulated along with the polydrugging and excessive treatments I was given for "treatment-resistant depression and anxiety" that I now know were purely side effects of drugs. I hear stories like yours of people who are off for three weeks to three months with great improvement sooner rather than later. I hear them from polydrugged people who are taken off quickly due to adverse reactions and also from those who are tapering. I am not sure if there is any prediction of the length of time due to how someone was taken off. I also know people who deal with waves of symptoms for 2-3 years but are able to be functional. So part of the frustration/fear is that I don't know where I am going to land. You only understand how truly painful akathisia is, and severe akathisia at that, if you have had it yourself. Otherwise, to be honest, you cannot understand it. So I know that you get what this has been like. I have paced more than 12 hours a day for months with no breaks and little sleep. This last spike I was up for more than three days. Thankfully, last night I slept for 12 hours broken but I slept. The akathisia is by far my worst symptom. Not that tinnitus or hyperacusis are pleasant. I have never been so exhausted in my life. The day that I can take a nap again will be a joyous day.

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Rebecca, you will be better and better over time. It might take time but gradually things becomes better. I my case The first year was a challenge, second year better and third year much better. Im ok now and went back to work 4 years after I jumped. I have been 6 years off now.

i do not want to scare you but say that there is way out. In your case it might be much quicker than in my case. 

It has been maybe a year since I have been in this site but someone senr me a private message so I pooed in.

take cae,


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On 31/08/2023 at 21:36, [[i...] said:

@[Re...] Hi love. I wasn't familiar with your story - thank you for sharing an overview. I can only imagine how epically frightening and disappointing this wave has been, considering you have been gradually improving and then.. boom, this wave comes on out of seemingly nowhere.

I can share some hope with you; something real and tangible to hang onto:

I tapered off two benzos concurrently, that I was on for three years. I tapered for ten months.; jumped off Xanax in June; Diazepam just three weeks ago. The day before jumping off the last benzo (and several weeks consistently before that), I experienced aka/tinnitus/insomnia/head pressure/sweats/cold chills/BODY PAIN... & much more. I couldn't take it anymore; I decided to just jump at .06. (I was planning on tapering another 90 days – but just had to try) I thought I was going to have even worse symptoms when jumping but ultimately - my body was just ready to be off of these medications.

I immediately improved immensely after jumping. Rebecca, it has only been three weeks since my jump: I have zero aka. I am sleeping 5-7 hours per night. I can actually feel my feelings and I don’t wake up in the morning in a cold sweat panicking. Life is… actually good today. If I’m being completely honest, I didn’t think that it was possible (a year ago when I was in the midst of the taper… I did not think I would find happiness.) I’m thinking of you – praying for you by name, and praying this wave goes as quickly as it came. Health and recovery is right around the corner.... Here to support you. Keep us posted. 

Hello, I read your post that you improved "immensely" a few weeks after your jump. Am I reading that correctly?  I was taking Xanax 0.5 twice daily since Sept 2022. I wasn't taking it on a regular schedule throughout the day, sometimes missing a dose or partial, sometimes taking a little more. In mid-July I realized I had not been taking it, with only 8 pills used where I should have used 42. I decided I didn't want to stay on it. I am learning now I did a lousy taper. It only lasted 3.5 weeks and was a fast one with a drop-off at .25 after only 6 days. The last one I took was August 14th. I guess I was almost cold turkey. I developed sudden tinnitus after missing July's doses. After I stopped on August 14th, all off this started suddenly: dizziness, nausea. burning, tingling, numb sensation of face, neck, forehead, tongue, lips, extremities, cold feeling on cheeks and nose, shakiness, nervous, can't focus mostly because of the facial burning sensation. I am sweating and sometimes I'm freezing. I had 3 hours of relief from tinnitus last week. The burning seemed to be tolerable during that time.  I really thought I was on the road to recovery. Later on the burning and tinnitus came back with a vengeance. It's been constant. I noticed when the burning and other symptoms are bad, the tinnitus is louder, so I think these are all related and due to withdrawal. I'm not sleeping because the pain is so bad. I've lost 4 lbs in the last week. Not sure if it's because Xanax made me gain weight and now that I am off it I am getting back to my normal weight, or because I am not eating enough because food doesn't taste right. I am loading up on fluids because I was told last week I am dehydrated when my BP was 101/70. My blood pressure has always been normal, 110-120 over 60-70. In the last week, it was checked 4 times and twice it was 102/88, 101/70 and 140/80 and 141/71.  I'm thinking maybe the spike is from my pain level? I'm only at 3 weeks now and I am hoping I am at the peak and things will get better fast from here. I don't feel better at all as I write this. It's been pretty consistent. Symptoms don't seem to be fading. I would feel hopeful if any of these symptoms were to lessen. That 3 hour break last week was weird.  Was it 3 weeks when you began sleeping better? Now it's about 4 and how do you feel now?  Did you have any of the symptoms I have? Are they lessened or gone?  Do you take supplements or anything that you found has helped?  Is there hope for me with all what I am experiencing?  I am so distressed. Thanking you in advance. 

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Hi @[Re...] How are you feeling today/this week? 


Regarding the aka: I've experienced it twice in my life. Once, back in 2003 withdrawing from both alcohol and benzos (cold turkey), and then again most recently with the Diazapam/Alprazolam taper. Both times I had aka, but the first time - was absolute hell. 

I'll try to describe my experience with aka (I *think* it's akathisia). I would be interested in hearing if this is consistent with others' experience. The only way I know how to describe my first experience, felt like pure electricity CONSTANTLY running through my body. Back on 2003 there wasn’t a name/diagnosis for it – so I just kept describing it as: “It feels like I have lightning bolts running through me.” I’m sure people thought I was crazy. I FELT like I was going crazy.

It felt like restless legs on STEROIDS - only not just in the legs; I felt it everywhere in my body - even my mind/face/mouth - if that makes sense?. It wasn't just the COMPULSION to move - I PHYSICALLY could not be still as a result of what I refer to as: "Electricity pulsing through my body.". This lasted for months with my CT experience. The other thing that happened - was my muscles started to seize up unconsciously. This cold turkey experience was not just uncomfortable - it was so painful. There was absolutely no reprieve from it... not for months. As a result of all this, the insomnia and panic attacks and depression... I ended up going on Paxil. Horrible idea. The only thing that would give me some semblance of ‘relief’ during the CT experience, was going for walks. I walked ALL THE TIME. When I stopped walking I would be tired, but still couldn’t sleep usually. 

Most recently, with my recent taper… the aka was not nearly as bad. Instead of the electricity feeling, it’s been more the moving of legs, some RLS, bouncing/tapping feet/knee and some pacing. It was at it’s worst the days before my jump. The 72 hours after my jump these symptoms subsided tremendously. (But it’s important to note, they were not terrible this time around most recently). Things that have helped the last couple weeks, have been walking, stretching, TONS of magnesium, lemon balm, vitamin V, tons of water…

I hope some of this helps. I don’t think my aka was nearly as severe as what you’re describing. I’m so sorry you’re suffering… have you felt any improvement this week? Praying for your healing. It's so hard... knowing when to keep tapering, when to hold... it's such a balance and it's different for everyone. 


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@[Re...] I cannot pretend to even imagine what you are going through, but as others have said you have come so far AND you had a couple weeks break of the pacing which shows you your body KNOWS how to stop pacing and it will remember again. It broke my heart when you said your life is sad, that I can empathise with 100% and tell you you are not alone in that feeling at all. I have so much hope and faith that you will heal. You are so strong for having survived this long, just keep holding on for dear life. The Aka could end at any second. You are worth it, you will have a full life to live on the other side of this. 

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Hi Everyone, I paced until 9/2 and thankfully, have stopped since then and I am sleeping through the night again. The unknown factor in that is hormones as I was on my period that week. So I need to see if it happens again this month. Hopefully not as I now have a new fear unlocked as a result of that. But the "good news" is that it has been a week now of no pacing again and I have had other windows since tapering Seroquel (8 days, 23 days, etc). The longest I have had relief is 23 days. Akathisia is truly a behemoth. While I am still symptomatic in many ways: tinnitus, hyperacusis, skin sensations, inner vibration -- these are my top most difficult symptoms -- I have noticed some of them have "turned down." Now it seems like they are also throughout the day turning up and down and alternating as such if that makes sense. Not gone but just existing at different volumes. So the tinnitus and akathisia will get more intense and the skin burning will be at a 2/10. I really don't understand this healing process or if this is a sign of anything. The tinnitus seems more airy lately and I really truly hope this means it is fading away. I have slept the last week 7-8 hours a night on average so I am extremely grateful for that. I am close to my normal weight again as well after losing 20 pounds and the people around me tell me my coloring is coming back. (I was gray there for a while...sickly...) I am still housebound and too sensitive to be out in the world doing human things -- not mentally -- physically. Although I can take short walks. Key word short. This being inside and unable to do much leads to a lot of fear this is a new normal and emotional pain because this process has been so long. Because I was blind-tapered off the Seroquel, I guess I have been off longer than I realized. Maybe two months now? I do not want to know the details yet.

@[ia...] I am so so sorry for what you experienced and I relate as I went through the same. It does sound to me like akathisia based on your description. @[B1...] Thank you for your warm wishes. I have been staying off the forum to rest my nervous system but came back today for support. @[Th...] I hear the first year is the worst overall from everyone who has had a more severe injury. So what you say is aligned with that. I am glad that you are feeling much better and able to go back to work.

I am wondering if the moderators have any thoughts on what I described above as they have heard every variation of story and healing that comes along. @[Wi...] and @[Pa...] @[Co...]? I am still in the need for as much reassurance as possible phase since this has been so long, bumpy, and drawn out. The akathisia has pushed the experience over the edge. If I did not have that I would not be as afraid of the future. Although I will say the internal akathisia has gone down to a 2/10 when I am not spiking but it is not gone off all drugs and that is scary. I have heard the stories of people waking up one day and symptoms start dropping off and other stories of slow and gradual healing. I do not yet know where I will fall on this scale of possibilities. All I know is to stay off of every substance, supplement, and prescription drug which I am 1000% committed to doing. This is my choice for my healing in my individual situation based on what I have researched and know about my own genetics, etc. I am not saying this is right for anyone else.

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Hi @[Re...]

I think you are experiencing some encouraging signs. My feeling is that you are not so much second guessing any improvements as you are worried about their reemergence. Of course, this is only natural, which I’m sure you already know. From what I’ve read here on BB, it generally takes a few months free from certain symptoms before that fear of any reemergence settles down. I guess one would consider it to be only a window until enough time has elapsed to dismiss that notion. 
I have read quite a few posts about symptoms ramping up during ones monthly cycle, so, potentially, you may not be too far off the mark there. 

When you speak about remaining symptoms existing at different volumes throughout the day, I think we have to be open to the potential that although we are often aware of the various stimuli which trigger an uptick in symptoms, there will also be stimuli that we won’t detect, and that lack of detection will leave us guessing what happened… ‘why have my symptoms ramped up all of a sudden’? 

We are so sensitive that even a fleeting thought, or something someone says or does, something normally considered completely innocuous, can actually trigger a fear based emotion, and because we perceive everything through an ever present filter of fear, as soon as that emotion hits our NS, it sends a shock through our system which then manifests on both a mental and physical level, creating a cycle, especially if we feed more fear into it by being pulled into our heads and overanalysing our experience. 

Based on your post, I believe you should feel encouraged by these improvements, even though I know it’s very difficult to trust any positive experience after such a long, painful journey. 

Take note during your next cycle… and see if there’s a reemergence of the akathisia and uptick in symptoms. 

Regardless, you are on the road to recovery, and you WILL continue to heal. 

Take care, Rebecca! 

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1 hour ago, [[W...] said:

Hi @[Re...]

I think you are experiencing some encouraging signs. My feeling is that you are not so much second guessing any improvements as you are worried about their reemergence. Of course, this is only natural, which I’m sure you already know. From what I’ve read here on BB, it generally takes a few months free from certain symptoms before that fear of any reemergence settles down. I guess one would consider it to be only a window until enough time has elapsed to dismiss that notion. 
I have read quite a few posts about symptoms ramping up during ones monthly cycle, so, potentially, you may not be too far off the mark there. 

When you speak about remaining symptoms existing at different volumes throughout the day, I think we have to be open to the potential that although we are often aware of the various stimuli which trigger an uptick in symptoms, there will also be stimuli that we won’t detect, and that lack of detection will leave us guessing what happened… ‘why have my symptoms ramped up all of a sudden’? 

We are so sensitive that even a fleeting thought, or something someone says or does, something normally considered completely innocuous, can actually trigger a fear based emotion, and because we perceive everything through an ever present filter of fear, as soon as that emotion hits our NS, it sends a shock through our system which then manifests on both a mental and physical level, creating a cycle, especially if we feed more fear into it by being pulled into our heads and overanalysing our experience. 

Based on your post, I believe you should feel encouraged by these improvements, even though I know it’s very difficult to trust any positive experience after such a long, painful journey. 

Take note during your next cycle… and see if there’s a reemergence of the akathisia and uptick in symptoms. 

Regardless, you are on the road to recovery, and you WILL continue to heal. 

Take care, Rebecca! 

Thank you for this. You consistently have great feedback that makes sense. I think once one gets to the symptom-free long period of time as you mention, it will make those fear responses throughout the day dull down. Even if just one symptom drops off for months and that person can consider it gone. I believe the reemergence of symptoms months off is due to a substance being introduced rather than the original drug. The original drug causes the injury, yes. But the stories I hear about these sudden upticks after six-month windows that scare so many of us need to be examined for what may be left out. (Maybe even unbeknownst to the poster.) I am vigilant about steering clear of everything for this reason. I think confidence vis a vis symptoms resolving breeds a greater sense of "safety" in this process. Especially when you are off of all possible offenders. There is an emotional component to pain. It is only human.

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Hey Rebecca, thanks for writing this.  I believe we have chatted a bit in the past on reddit, my username being AlternativeRoof.  So happy you are feeling a bit better, I knew you would make it!  I am still having a lot of akathisia but I am back off the benzo for 2 months, getting blind tapered off the remaining 3.75mg mirtazapine & 5mg Celexa by Dr.Josef.  Anyways, saw your post & just wanted to pop in to say I am really proud of you & I wish for your continued success 🙌   I plan to stay off of everything after this last bit of my taper & hopefully I can be feeling a bit better soon too ❤️ 

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