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Any advice/experience with taper & SNRIs?


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Hi there, keen for any advice or thoughts! I was on around 1.00mg-1.50mg of Xanax a day (only taking on weekdays) for about six months. Occasionally up to 2.00mg a day. I am currently tapering off (& have switched to Valium), here is my schedule: 

Week 1: 1.00mg Xanax a day

Week 2: 0.50mg Xanax a day

Week 3: 2mg of Valium a day

Week 4 (current): 1mg of Valium a day

My withdrawals have been tolerable.  Rebound anxiety, a very bad headache or two, and a couple of nights of insomnia (Mainly during the first drop to 0.50mg Xanax. 

I was planning on dropping down again to 0.5mg of Valium for a week before finishing completely. However, given I'm tolerating the withdrawal symptoms & 1mg of Valium is a very small dose, should I just jump now?

The reason I ask is because I've been prescribed 50mg Desvenlafaxine and I want to start taking it as soon as possible, but am too scared to start during taper (I have never taken an SNRI before). Does anyone have experience starting an SNRI during a taper? Do you think because my withdrawal hasn't been that terrible yet, the worst could still be coming? Obviously, I realise it's hard to say as everyone is different but just keen for any personal thoughts/experiences?

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Hello @[Fr...] Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

Given that you have tolerated withdrawal comparatively well, I agree that there is no need to overextend your withdrawal schedule. But monitor how you react accordingly.

Xanax has a relatively short half-life, so will leave your system reasonably quickly. But Valium (with its long half-life) takes quite some time for blood levels to fully build up. I mention this case you find you take a hit in the next few days - the Valium might not yet be at full strength (in your system) for your dose. (For how long have you been taking Valium?)

It is encouraging that you have managed quite well so far. There might be some utility in perhaps, talking a 0.5mg dose at the end of your taper. You will know better when you have been taking 1mg for the planned week. If you experience problems at any stage, the usual and best approach, I suggest, is to stick at the dose for a little longer than you had planned until you feel better. Then continue where you left off.

Good luck.

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