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10 days post Jump


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Hi Everyone,

Well - nothing dramatic happened.  If anything the depression is a little bit worse which is surprising.  Maybe it shouldn't be because that has been my biggest issue during this whole mess.  If you had depression as a big problem did you notice it start to lift a little bit at some point post taper?  

Hope everyone is well and thank you for sharing your experience.

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Congratulations! I'm glad your jump is mostly uneventful. Did you have depression prior to benzo's? I'm sorry if you've mentioned it before, I can't remember everyone's history (benzo brain).

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Hi Jelly.  Yes, I've had bouts of depression over the years and looking back they seem to be closely related to hormonal changes (puberty, postpartum, and now meno).  I did try another anti depressant but wasn't better "enough" to keep taking it.  I honestly wonder if I was given the benzo to cover up the anxiety that was caused by the anti depressants?   But yes, I would definitely say depression is my over all weak spot.  I also recently found out I have hypothyroid and am being treated for that (still slowly adjusting dose).  

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My pre-existing benzo condition returned a couple of months before jumping and got worse close to jumping (it fully under control on Clonazepam). It fluctuates now. Some days it's better and some days it's really bad. However, now at 9 months off, it's not continuously as bad as it was before I went on benzo's. So I'd say I have more better days than bad days than before I got on benzo's. I don't know if it helps, but that's what I can give you for what it's worth. 

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Thank you for sharing your experience, Jelly.   I'm going to pretend I was A-Ok before all this and hope I go back to that!  

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