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6 Weeks off Valium


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After a TWO year taper / up and down battle with Xanax, Klonopin and Valium, I am finally 6 weeks clean. 
My first three weeks were shockingly smooth with very few symptoms, I credit the Propranolol for that. However I have now opted to come off Propranolol too which has caused some symptoms. 
the majority of days I get headaches, chest pain, upper back pain and vertigo…. Symptoms seem to be worse in the morning. The gym helps, yoga helps, breathing exercises help…. I have given caffeine a try again, sometimes I’m fine with it other times not so much. I also can tolerate wine without hangovers. I am trying my best to stay away from any nicotine. 

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Congratulations!  Glad your taper went smoothly.  Propranolol can make a big difference in ameliorating withdrawal symptoms such as the physical symptoms of anxiety, cortisol surges, etc.  However propranolol comes with the risk of developing dependence and must be tapered carefully and slowly.  If I were in your shoes I would consider holding off on quitting propranolol until you're at least a few months out from your last dose of benzos.  A lot of healing from benzos takes place after you jump off so it's important to give your system time to readjust and settle down.  I would not start another taper/quitting another drug until I had given my system time for this.  

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17 minutes ago, [[A...] said:

@[Hi...] Huge congrats! 👍 You seem well on your way to health and wellness without any benzo hindrance. Are you tapering the Propranolol or did you drop it CT?

I was only on 10 mg propranolol so was not really able to taper. I stopped cold Turkey. 

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Congrats for your success with Val taper. 
I saw your post from June in that you were on 0,3mg and had severe benzo belly symptoms. I am now on 0,14mg, prepared to jump off next week. 
I have noticed severe benzo belly sxs, sometimes hard to even sit cause the pains and discomfort. Did these severe symptoms go away already for you? Did you find anything helpful?

Thank you

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