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Rapid cycling


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Hi guys. Just curious if anyone else experienced this right before healing. My symptoms change about every hour I have a wave of different physical and mental stuff. For 10 minutes I could feel like I have the flu then 10 mixtures later my brain burns and I feel very depressed then I feel ok and an hour later I'm dizzy with head pressure and intrusive thoughts. This is crazy. I'm grateful that it passes and I don't have the same symptom all day but man this is weird. Anyone else???

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Hi Steph

I can relate with this. Also Baylissa mentioned that in her book. Today it is pains which are changing from burning to stinging to pulling… also the intensity changes every few minutes… as you said just absolutely weird!!! 🍀

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I'm passing something similar at my 20 month off two weeks now..

Right now I feel perfect but God knows what will be the next minute.

Especially night time when I'm so sleepy and I want to sleep, morbid intrusive thoughts are disturbing my sleep and I'm all in sweat.

All this happening at my 20 month and for 7 months I didn't have any symptom and thought I'm healed.

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At almost 14 months off, I am also experiencing morbid intrusive thoughts while trying to sleep, covered in sweat. The positive part of sleep, when I do - usually 3 to 4 hours. Some nights better then others, but still much better then the first months of CT. My dreams are so real and sometimes are quite lovely.  I suffered from OCD and depression before benzo use. Was prescribed Benzos to fight this.... I am thankful that I am not on those nasty pills - feel truly awake now. My appetite is back, so trying to eat healthy. It does get better. Don't give up!

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8 hours ago, [[s...] said:

Hi guys. Just curious if anyone else experienced this right before healing. My symptoms change about every hour I have a wave of different physical and mental stuff. For 10 minutes I could feel like I have the flu then 10 mixtures later my brain burns and I feel very depressed then I feel ok and an hour later I'm dizzy with head pressure and intrusive thoughts. This is crazy. I'm grateful that it passes and I don't have the same symptom all day but man this is weird. Anyone else???

That would be lovely if it meant we’re closer to healing because I’ve been cycling through them like crazy lately.  

My list of symptoms is very long, but there are about 5 that really occupy all my energy: extreme muscle tension, extreme fatigue/exhaustion, chemical anxiety/terror, DPDR/cog fog, and misc “head symptoms.”  Each morning I wake up and one is raging.  Come late afternoon another has taken over.  Go to bed, wake up, which one will it be this morning?  Door number 1?  Door number 2?  Who knows.  

You cannot make this crap up.  I’m 11 months out and have progressively been cycling through symptoms more/faster with less of a breather in between.  I’ve never been anywhere close to symptom free outside a two day window in Month 5, but in Months 2-3 I could definitely get a day or two where things were sort of manageable and then on to another major symptom for a couple days.  Lately, it’s just been a constant barrage of ever-changing symptoms.  

This thread gave me some hope that there is some relief in sight.  Given that I’m 11 months out, it’s probably time I started to get some healing.  

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I really hope this is close to the end for all of us. I usually have a week or 2 window every month but this month not so. Just steady symptoms. Funny you guys mentioned sweating because I was sweating lastnight. My insides felt like they were hot and I kept sweating. Strange. Hopefully we all see progress soon

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