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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Anyone who developed Anxiety and Neausea after taking ambien


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Yes, the daytime anxiety was bad, I’d watch the clock waiting for bedtime and I hate to admit it but I started taking Ambien during the day just before I quit.  That was a really dumb move because Ambien is a hypnotic and I’d lose big chunks of my memory. Those warnings the manufacturer states about sleep driving and other activities is real, pretty scary stuff. 

I was only on the Ambien about 6 or 7 months.

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@[El...], I quit cold turkey, and the first night I didn’t sleep, but I may have gotten what we call micro-sleep for a few seconds the second night.  The third night I knew I’d been asleep because I had the most horrific slasher dreams I’ve ever experienced, the same with the fourth night.  But by night 5, I was beginning to cobble a couple of hours at a time together and it was better every night after that. 

The thing is, even though I wasn’t sleeping, I felt great because the inner trembling was gone, along with the anxiety and dark thoughts.

Please don’t follow my example, tapering is the approved method for getting off of z-drugs, I just can’t seem to do things that way. 

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Thank you for replying. This gives me hope that I can recover. And simultaneously you were also withdrawing from your benzo? I will be tapering but I need to make some life adjustments first. I need to put my health first; I’ve been cobbling medication together to keep working but I need to step back for the first time in 33 years and put my life back together. My inner trembling is scary. 

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9 hours ago, [[E...] said:

And simultaneously you were also withdrawing from your benzo?

That’s the thing, I believe that at some point I recovered from my cold turkey of Klonopin and it was the Ambien that was keeping me sick.  

I still remember the day my inner trembling left me, it was about day 2 after stopping Ambien.  I was able to sit on my sofa in peace, it was the most relaxing, luxurious sensation…

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