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TENS unit


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Hi, I`m using a TENS machine for muscle pain but it`s making the pain worse.

I`m probably over-using it as I`ve heard others having success with TENS and just wondered if I`m alone with this? 


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How much are you using it? I’ve used one with minimal issues but only a couple of days per month. It worked quite well the first two times I used it but then it seemed to loose it’s effectiveness. 

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It doesn't surprise me that a TENS unit could make your pain worse.   Stimulating nerves so they feel less pain may not be effective for nerves that are affected by BIND (Benzo Induced Neurological Dysfunction).   Of course, as is the case with almost everything about benzo withdrawal, it could help some, but not be effective for others.     

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@[ne...] I am sorry about your muscle pain, not sure where it is located, but I know I had muscles in my upper back that were so painful and tight when I was going through wd. Of course Valium was my poison, and it is a muscle relaxant, nothing seemed to help. Until I read somewhere on the Internet, for tightness in a muscle to use a sock and place a tennis ball in it...and then place it on wall near your painful area, and tight area,lean against the wall and walk the wall or let it roll over painful area. I know it sounds weird, but boy did it loosen up that muscle and in time I was much better, even now I sometimes have to use that old trick. It is just a thought and it may help you. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. Stay Strong.💖Peace and Healing.

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Thanks everyone.   I `m using the TENS most of the day, so yes far too much. 

Decatur - so many thanks, you made a lot of sense, I`m stimulating those nerves duh!!

Back to basics but I`ll try the tennis ball in a sock 

2 months off today and so far muscle pain around across the back of my waist, but no other sxs ------yet.

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