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Worried about cognition/affects of anxiety


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Hi everyone,

Besides the scary ear zaps that won’t let up, I’m wondering if withdrawal and anxiety is causing issues cognitive wise. I just went to type in my email and realized I was entering an old address I had over 10 yrs ago. I have hyperacusis & I’ve been making illogical decisions about protecting my ears. For instance, I needed to be in the living room for a second but a fan was on. I was worried about the noise level so I clicked it off (it’s an old rotating fan w/ buttons). The click was LOUD & I’m worried I triggered a tinnitus/hyperacusis setback. The logical thing would have been to leave it on bc the click was WAY louder. I’ve done a ton of stuff like this and I don’t get it.

I feel like I’m constantly on edge w/ a nervous/hyper feeling. Does anyone else feel their thinking/brain in general is malfunctioning? I change the show on the tv multiple times bc I cannot commit or concentrate. It’s an unsettling restlessness and I worry how long it will last. Since I’m off meds, there isn’t a cushion  for the panic. This relentless tinnitus/ear shocking is making it way more intense/hard to control. I have propranolol but it could be ototoxic (not sure) & if it calms me down it’s only for a bit and makes me feel weird - slow/hard heartbeat and chest pain & warmth, body will sometimes jerk and I will sharply inhale…it’s concerning 

Having ant crawling sensation in limbs, they feel uncomfortable - almost internally itchy. Praying this will get better. 

Thanks everyone & apologies for long post. Thinking of you all.

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Yes, cognitive issues are very common during this process.   Everything you mentioned in your post is typical of withdrawal.   I hope things begin to settle down soon.    Are you still planning on seeing a new psychiatrist?   I think that was your plan....correct?

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**Trigger warning: Talk of CT & long-term symptoms** - 

Also, someone scared me with a comment on Reddit. They didn’t mean it and they were just conveying the seriousness of stopping CT. They basically said I need to take this as a lesson and that’s it’s very dangerous to stop CT. They said it’s probably too late to taper, I need to be honest w/ my Dr. about what happened, and that they hope I didn’t do any damage to my systems. That last part freaked me out. They said all of this in a very respectful way & were just concerned - definitely don’t want to make them sound rude or uncaring. They were just worried about the situation & I honestly understand and I’m grateful they reached out. I feel bad posting this I’ve just been thinking about it. But honestly they meant no harm they are kind for caring and it’s important to know the difficult info. 

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@[de...] Yes, I’m seeing them on 8/31. I really hope they’re familiar with benzos. The practice said she was but I’m hesitant after what I’ve read about peoples’ experiences. 

Thank you so much & I hope you’re well. 

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1 hour ago, [[s...] said:

@[de...] Yes, I’m seeing them on 8/31. I really hope they’re familiar with benzos. The practice said she was but I’m hesitant after what I’ve read about peoples’ experiences. 

Thank you so much & I hope you’re well. 

Sounds good.   I will be looking forward to hearing what your new doctor has to say.   

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this is a safe-place for me online. Here's where there are people that I can, for the most part, relate to re: benzos.  I don't go anywhere else on line to get help, and I won't go to family because not a one can help me with this.  Their loving but poor advice is empty because they don't have the knowledge, or experience.  Besides just checking in with my doctor, getting my labs regularly, BB is it for me, Denise ❤️

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@[or...] BB has been so kind to me. I appreciate all of you.

I’m second guessing myself about not reinstantiating to 1 mg Xanax. It was extended release - would this have been safe? Got scared & decided to wait for new Dr. What if current Dr was right? They said the XR tablets would slowly release. Feel like I’ve made all the wrong choices the new Dr appt will be a little over a month out should I have tried to get in somewhere else? I’m having bad anxiety about it and I feel so restless. Earlier appt opened up last week w/ a different provider at same office but decided to stick w upcoming Dr already in process of trying to get referral for her didn’t want to start over.

Oh man, did I mess up? Restless “ants in limbs” feeling can’t sit still will I be ok? Thanks so much. 

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Cognitive problems are common during withdrawal. Try not to worry about this. As a teacher and pianist, I felt like there was a disconnect between my brain and my fingers. Many times I thought my students played better than me. They likely did. This improved little by little. When I was preparing for my first performance post benzo, I actually felt my concentration was much better, better then before I took a benzo. It comes back, you have to give it time.


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