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I need help with question about my medication


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Hi there every champion dealing with this kind of issues. I’ve been eating different sedative drugs since 18 yrs of age from beginning doctors recipes quited by my self at age 20 then started again at age 25 using Xanax. I was a heavy user for 2 years then i quit through rehab. I was totally free from Benzos about 1 and a half year but then started eating Xanax or mostly ksalol from galenica very comment in Sweden, Serbian smuggled alprazolam. I relapsed during a hard time where both of my parents got diagnosed cancer, mom past 1 month ago at early age. My doctor is now subscribing me 15 mg diazepam daily since 6 months which i strictly hold my self to, my question to you is how long will this hold? I’m feeling pretty strong psychically but at the same time If i try to skip a dose i feel it so to say witch tells I’m addicted. Since I’m not fluent in English you may call maybe missing my point, I wonder how long this medication will do it for me not raising my dose? I take 5mg diazepam with 100 mg Elvanse(vyvanse?) at morning then 10mg diazepam at evening. 

I just found out about this forum, impressed about how willing people seem helping each other through experiences. Where I’m from this is stuff that you can’t be open about at all. Sweden is very restrictive about substance use/abuse. Though we have huge problems with all narcotics and highest rate of death according drug abuse in EU. No one wants to take this problems in their mouths. It’s gone so long we have shootings everywhere and everyday. 99% is immigrant-gangs or 2nd generation immigrants. Drugs are very cheap and easy to find and the prisons are full. Right now process building prisons to take 3x the amount of people which behind bars right now is priority and 2028 we will have 3x more people in prison. 

Happy for any serious answers and also i wonder if you get to see in media about my country’s problems? 

Thank you and keep fighting for the good sake 🙏🙏

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Welcome to BenzoBuddies, @[Go...]

Your English is more than good enough. And certainly better than my Swedish! :)

If you are looking to quit benzodiazepines, once addicted or dependant, it is essential that you taper off gradually. A successful taper will probably take many months to complete. Generally, members initially reduce their dose by about 10%, and stay at the dose for 1-2 weeks to see how they reaction. You would then adjust the size and frequency of your dose as you progress. Typically, members tend to make smaller cuts are they progress. So, for example, you might manage to make 2mg cuts initially, but you might find that you need make 1mg or even 0.5mg cuts later. There is no hard and fast rule how to proceed - adjust your dose according to how you react.

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Thank you @[Co...] :) 

I feel that it’s time to let go of benzodiazepines once for all but that thought is scary. When hard time comes it’s like these pills whispers through my sense and wholah they are back in my system again. It’s pleasant for 1 day and after that day i know that this will be a bumpy ride but i don’t know where or when it’s going to end. The only difference this time is that I’m not side taking, but still it’s a shit show and i feel the craving. So stupid to start all over knowing how long it takes to recover from this pills. When i relapsed this time I had just recovered from being afraid of most social situations :s last time it was alprazolam. Really screwed me up, maybe this time will be easier I hope so. Will take your advice try cut down a little by my self. Before i have quited I’d cut from top to zero in one month maximum. Hard withdrawals every time that what freaks me out, and my doctors cut down plan is 5mg each 2 weeks, have not worked. So i guess you’re right! Will try :) thanks again 

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The key is, @[Go...], to withdraw at a rate which will likely be successful in the long run. I am not one for extending tapers for longer than necessary, but if you have experienced problems in the past when following shorter withdrawal schedules, then it is time to look to a different approach. And if done right, you might well find yourself growing more functional as your dose lowers over the span of a more extended taper schedule.

I write 'schedule', but I do not mean that you should lock yourself into a plan. Adjust your taper rate according to how you react and feel.

I will also add that you should avoid unorthodox sources for benzodiazepines. They often do not contain the stated dose and can even contain other psychoactive substances. It really is not worth the risk.

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@[Co...] I need to change something. I have to talk to my doctor doing a slower taper. Those times i went from a lot to zero in one month. I locked myself up at a detox-center, and that would not work if i didn’t go to a rehab directly from detox. This time the situation is different and going to those sources mentioned is not an option, i just don’t see that happening. This time is “do or die” not literally but just thinking about myself contact “street doctors” will not happen, I hope i have this feeling with me til i can execute my goals being free from this cage. Anxiety and worries will not be a part of my daily life like they are today and i will do whatever I need to do. By myself. I’m sick of this like i guess most of us are here.


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Anti-anxiety meds and amphetamine stimulants are the worst possible combo. They are antagonists and reduce each others' effect. As a result, you end up taking more of both. What condition were you prescribed Vyvanse for?

Take care:hug:


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