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I'm not crazy, just a crazy symptom!


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Weirdest thing, I was up again at 2 a.m. and drifted into the article by @[pa...] called "What is Happening in My Brain".  This is literally the best thing I've ever come acrossed to read to help me understand symptoms from Benzo withdrawal.

I also found a huge thread where many folks talked about the article if you care to go there and read also, this is the thread "here"

So I'm reading a little at a time, since I first started my taper in March this year, 2023, because to read it all at once was too overwhelming for my benzo brain ;) I got onto it again this a.m. and found something that really blew my mind!  I didn't even remember this had happened to me, and honestly didn't think that much about it, just figured it was nothing and to just forget it which I sort of unconsciously did!  But I'll just quote from Parker's article below:

From "Brain Structure" section of article on specifically the Temporal Lobe:

"When I was laying there in bed, I could "hear" things that weren't there in the noise of my box fan. I'd hear the fan blowing -but I also "heard" like sickening circus music".

Maybe I will sound crazy to some, but at least one other person in the world heard it too :2funny:  Parker's was from a box fan, mine came from a video I play all night that is just of water in a little stream/creek running into a pool and it's so comforting, and helps me sleep.  But I have heard weird music(circus-music describes mine perfectly!), rarely, but after reading this in the article, I remembered hearing it.

I also read about several symptoms I actually have but basically sort of ignoring them because they aren't that bad, or memorable.  The part of the brain that handles things like Intrusive thoughts or memories is the Hippocampus. 

It's all so fascinating I hope others will try and read this article (as well as one person's story of withdrawal symptoms).

Every day on BB I see posts that ask why is this happening to me??  Why is the biggest question for me as well, but this article has had so much to do with helping me to understand what I believe is happening in my brain.  I believe things are coming together, not falling apart! Sending out love, hope, and more undertanding, Denise :smitten::hug:(y)❤️


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@[or...] thanks for leaving the link, I wish everyone was required to read this before approval to BB, it is a wonderful and enlightening post to help all, to understand what and why. And we are never too young or old to learn that our Brain is our biggest Friend and we must care for it, and understand its workings. Stay Strong. 💖 Peace and Healing.

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I hope more people find it, and read it, even a bit at a time as I do.  I think sometimes we want that human contact before reading info that could really help us, or maybe the "quick fix" you know, just give me the answer like on a test ;)  Reading can be brain-exercise for me.  When I first got here, I could hardly understand what I was reading, but slowly, my reading and understanding/retaining what I read is getting better.

Thanks much for your reply, Denise:smitten:(y)


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Yes, I know this article. It's very good, glad you mentioned it and provided the link. Neuroscience is the key to everything. If you're interested in it, you may start watching short movies for beginners on YouTube. I'm a big fan of neuroscience. Once you learn the structure of the brain and how neurons communicate with each other, many things will become extremely clear to you. Neuroscientists even have models of the brain which you put together like Lego. The key is to start from scratch.

Take care:hug:


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