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Had to cancel a function, too mentally sick


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Can't go to  my best friends daughters bday party today. I've had horrible psychosis, anxiety for the longest time and it's only getting worse and the physical exhaustion unbearable. Better days are never happening. I've been at this for years. Time heals huh? well this is my life. At this time next year I may very well be jobless, in a wheelchair and homeless. But time is all we need, right? Time is making things worse. The only very few good things I have are now at stake. There's such thing as lower than rock bottom, I encounter it daily. 1 step forward 5  back 

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You have a very severe Inner Critic. Have you ever wondered who that might be? And a tendency to catastrophize. Well, I have both, so I get you. But you see, thoughts are energy. By thinking negative thoughts, you attract negative events. The mind is like a magnet. 

I read your post about being judged all the time... And a quote by Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, came to my mind: 

"Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge."

Guess what. I'm also being judged all the time. But I have learnt to distance myself. It still hurts, but it's not my problem anymore. The person who judges you has a problem.

I'll place the quote for you on my quotes thread in the "Off-Topic" section. That's a good one. You weren't born hating and judging yourself. Feeling that you are not enough. No, you weren't born that way.


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It's just too much. The less I have the less others can take from me and it's a sad truth. I'm more physically sick now thinking im living and trying to satisfy others, not myself. It never matters what I think. Even the smallest chance if I heal I still can't have kids, not because I don't want to but all that will be used against me.

All the therapy and time in the world will never fix me. It's too late.

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Who is "others"? Do you know that saying by Sartre: "Hell is other people."?

"L'Enfer c'est les Autres".

There are others who can help us grow and others who can destroy us. Or others who don't care at all. The key is to make the right distinction. This can only be achieved by studying human nature.

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