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Navigating mental illness without meds


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I'm having horrible psychosis. Nothing is working anymore.  4.5 years of utter misery. Watching others shine from the sidelines

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Are your symptoms all from psych meds not working, or do you still have Benzo withdrawal symptoms too? I’d love to hear any positive outcomes from people with existing mental health problems. I posted a question about it 9ish months ago but unfortunately received no responses.

My son has bipolar and ocd and is taking no meds.He’s 15 months off Ativan and his OCD is off the charts and rapid mood swings make dealing with Benzo withdrawal even harder. Hoping that once his brain is healed from benzos hi lscpre existing conditions will be at least a little more manageable than now. 

I feel for you. You need meds to control psychosis. I was wondering if once the brain is healed friom benzo withdrawal if psych meds can be taken again. 



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@[Dr...] Your son's situation sounds complicated.   I would imagine it is difficult to differentiate between the Ativan withdrawal symptoms and his pre-existing conditions.   Can you tell us a little more about his situation as far as the Ativan goes?    

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Decatur, are you a moderator? I’m so confused as to how this new site works… Anyway, thank you for responding. My son went cold turkey off Ativan 15 months ago. Since then his OCD is off the charts, like on steroids. He is in constant panic mode with paranoia and 24-7 intrusive thoughts. Those are the symptoms that torture him the most. He also has terrible akathisia, he gets practically no sleep, Benzo belly… the list goes on but that’s what I think of off the top of my head. From the bipolar he also is agitated and he has mood swings and racing thoughts. 

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Yes, I am a moderator; just like you still trying to get a handle on this new site.   It has so many great features; just takes a little time to get your bearings.

Sorry to hear your son is struggling so much.   Many of us, myself included, CT'd off our benzodiazepine, and that can possibly add to the difficulty of the recovery.   The good news though is that everyone recovers.  It doesn't matter if you tapered or CT'd, everyone ends up in the same place. The panic and intrusive thoughts are typical of withdrawal symptoms.   Also, if he had OCD as a pre-existing condition, the withdrawal might be exacerbating that.   

Your original question was once your brain is healed can psych meds be introduced.   That is something that will have to answered by his doctor.    Was it his doctor that wanted him off Ativan?   

Was he other psych meds before he CT'd the Ativan?

By the way, you posted in the correct spot, so you already know your way around!  

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My son was on zyprexa and depakote in addition to ativan. He went off all of them against the advice of his prescriber. Unfortunately, the prescriber doesn’t believe Benzo withdrawal lasts more than a couple of weeks, so he’s not a good one to ask about taking meds again. It was actually my question, my son doesn’t want to chance a setback by taking psych drugs. Once his brain heals we’re hoping his symptoms will be less difficult to manage with diet, exercise, and, hopefully, sleep.

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