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Muscle atrophy all over?


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Has anyone experienced muscle atrophy during their withdrawal? I'm managing to sustain my weight for the time being but it feels like most of my muscle have wasted away. I'm talking about muscles on legs, arms, and even face. It's a little difficult walking right now because my calves hurt.

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This is incredibly common. I definitely had this. I’m about 9 months off now and just starting to build it back. 

Christy Huff (cardiologist that runs benzo info coalition) mentioned muscle loss and even had the low creatinine levels on her labs that confirmed it. 

Hang in there! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The muscles on my legs are the biggest concern. My knees, ankles, and feet are starting to look boney. Having difficulty standing in the shower or walking around for long periods of time. Meanwhile I'm still maintaining my weight.

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I am also experiencing muscle atrophy in my legs, arms and pretty much most places. It sucks. I have also lost like 30lbs in the last 9 months! I went from 205lbs down to 175lbs. I am hoping to maintain the 175!! 

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I went from 178 lb to 168 in July and then managed to get back to 175 lbs in August. But I think I've gained alot of fat and lost a ton of muscle. Do you have issues walking or standing for too long?

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I had this too, I think it's really common.  I went from 160 to 145.  It goes away with time, or at least you can build back.  2.5 years off and now I weigh 165. 

I did try to keep fit no matter how I felt.  It didn't help visually build muscle- I was still down in weight and looked skinny and unhealthy, but didn't develop any issues with strength or coordination.  

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