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Sense of no point


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I’ve been having this continuing sense that there is no point to doing anything and everything is just an act of futility. Does anyone have this and does it get “better”?

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H Glitter,

This is what I'm learning is our benzo-brain, it's just negative or stinking thinking and we can't always help it.  What I do is try to shake it off, and think of other things, or do other things.  The more I buy into the lie, the easier it is to keep believing them.  We have to be warriors against a very real enemy, and fighting that enemy and it's lies makes us stronger, and stronger. Denise :hug:

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I feel this way about everything. I also feel lost and completely severed from life. I cant remember how I was before this. It seems like a different person existed. I have constant fear and worry and disconnect. I cant handle anything.


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1 hour ago, [[r...] said:

I feel this way about everything. I also feel lost and completely severed from life. I cant remember how I was before this. It seems like a different person existed. I have constant fear and worry and disconnect. I cant handle anything.

@[ro...] I am feeling exactly like you! In the last month or two it has just gotten worse. I feel like my taper hold will be forever. I feel so lost. I guess I can say we are not alone in how we are feeling. 

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Benzo lies are the worst, and they suck you in and play with your thoughts and make everything feel hopeless, but please know that it isn't. There is a good life for all of you ahead, if you did a consensus of Buddies here at BB, you would find that if we did not feel the way you all do, we had other thoughts that plagued us too, it is part of the crud the benzo >:D sends our way, the thing to remember, you are not alone in your thinking and yes in time it will get better. If you can find something to focus on, anything will do, something funny or mediate, watch YouTube and find something funny to watch. If you feel lost, turn it around and think "I am found" because I am or have fought the benzo beast and I will not let him badger me anymore. You are worthy and matter. You are not alone, you all stand with all the Benzo Warriors here and those that have preceded us. Stay Strong.

💖 Peace and Healing.

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