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Question about withdrawal and healing the hpa axis


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How am I supposed to heal from trauma and adrenal burnout when every supplement that helps the healing, actually aggravates the withdrawal symptoms from the meds and prolongs the withdrawal (I am talking about adaptogens, magnesium, green tea, B vitamins, etc.)?

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I wonder about this too. I’ve concluded that all I can do is eat well, rest as much as I can, and create a sense of safety while my body heals. 
I took an “HPA Adapt” supplement and ended up with awful racing heart for hours (this was at 3 months off). Won’t be trying adaptogen supplements again.

I have read that exercise releases BDNF and that is like miracle grow for your brain, so I’m trying my best to get some in every day. Some days it’s very short walks. I also take Fish oil - it’s supposed to support brain health. 

Feels incredibly frustrating to just wait.

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Yes, but you have to be very careful with exercise also. Because a tiny bit overdo can throw your adrenals out of wack again, and that can last for weeks.

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