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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Muscle weakness jerking and shaking


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I’m two years off and I’ve been dealing with a great deal of stress lately. The last few days I’ve noticed involuntary movement in my fingers and other parts of my body. My limbs feel very limp like I overworked them at the gym and I’m shaking. Is this maybe still from withdrawal? Or maybe just my body reacting to stress? I’m worried it’s something major like the beginning of ALS.

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I get these symptoms too and ive been off for 2 1/2 years, I felt as though i was recovering but every now and again these things come up, usually it follows a period of stress or something triggers it. For me i also get pretty dizzy. Also my symptoms change from time to time, almost like they cycle. Try not to stress more about other things it could be, it makes it worse, you know that its the damage from the benzos, but it does still worry me so i do get blood test and check ups to make sure it isnt something else. 


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Hi @[Al...]

Clearly your nervous system is still vulnerable to additional stress. I think you would be doing yourself a great favour if you took up a practice like meditation or breath work. It will help calm your nervous system, and over time, it will teach you how to automatically let go of the stress related tension in the body as you go about your day. These practices really are powerful. They will change your life if you commit to regular practice. 

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@[Tu...] does your body feel weak,  and almost jelly like? I work out pretty consistently but haven’t gone in about a week so I know it’s not from that. It’s so hard to feel these sensations and not worry it’s something major. But I also know stress can cause all kinds of symptoms. How often do you get these waves?

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Yes my body feels weak like you describe, i thought i had gotten over it mostly after 2 years post withdrawal, but it still seems to show up randomly, usually something triggers it like stress. Even now after over 2.5 years i get new symptoms like feeling that im going to faint, or dizziness, and it worries me and stresses me more, i am actually going to go for a check up at the doctors to make sure everything else is alright before i worry myself so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I think that’s a good idea. I don’t have a lot of faith in doctors but I’m going to get checked out as well. You’re so right with the symptoms making you more anxious. But then anxiety can cause all these same sensations, and so the cycle continues.

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