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anybody feeling tachycardia,my heart rate persistent more than 100 when I come do low dose klonopil ..no symptoms ..is it common..my Apple Watch continuously giving reding high heart rate..

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It's extremely common- I think many members experience it.  It was my first system in withdrawal.  It will get better and eventually go away with time.  

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Yes, this is very common, however if you feel like you need to get checked out by a doctor, do not hesitate to do so.   

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Yes. I have experienced increase heart rate and also a HARD / FAST pounding heart rate - simultaneously. It's so uncomfortable, distracting and concerning at times. I think most members have struggled with this symptom at one point or another in their/our taper. For me it seems to come and go, but came more after I jumped off my benzo. I know how scary this can be too. The thing that helped me the most was to do deep breathing (square breathing 4 counts each side of the square and work my way up to 6 or 7 counts if possible. Sometimes I could only do 2 or 3 counts per side). Usually with square breathing I could get my heart rate down from 130 to about 75-80 if I was really committed. Hang in there

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Yes, I have tachycardia most of the time cause of meds I'm on. The consolation is that your heart enters the Fat Burn Zone (like during exercise), so you lose weight.

I got used to it. The essential thing is your resting heart rate. And your heart health. I'm using a Fitbit

@[ia...] gave you good advice concerning deep breathing. Also mindfulness and meditation may be helpful. Hugging your pet if you have one.

Your Apple watch must have a function which will teach you to focus on your breathing. Five minutes a day is enough. 

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