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started my taper off ati


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This is my fourth time trying to come off benzos without reinstating. I was on 2.5mg ati all at night. I couldn't sleep so was prescribed that and a z drug for sleep. Neither work anymore. I tapered to 2.25mg for the past 3 nights and have gotten 0 sleep all three nights and can't nap. I am feeling so sick and miserable. I could not sleep at 2.5mg either so I was reaching for one more mg some nights but enough is enough. I need help-trying to keep a job and on 0 sleep for days. 

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Hello @[Ti...],

I was reading some of your posts from 2020 and 2021. I'm sorry to see that insomnia is still a big issue. 

I think you see that neither drug is helping any more. As you know, updosing is a slippery slope to be on. I do think that the amount you reduced, from 2.50 to 2.25 is too large.  Klonopin is a very strong benzo and I know from experience, cuts like this can make life very difficult.

Have you looked into a very slow taper, perhaps a liquid taper. Why don't you check out the Taper and Planning Adjustment Board.  If you post there, some of our very knowledgeable members can offer their experience with this type of plan.


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I was on klonopin years ago, came off, got put on ativan. The thing is 2.5 and 2.25 or 1.5 won't matter, I don't sleep at any dose unless it's like 5mg. And the only other symptoms I get are anxiety and stomach problems. I feel like I could get down to 1.5 pretty fast with no much w/d... but 0 sleep.

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I tapered ativan using valium a couple years ago, and was a slow taper. Still couldn't sleep and got reinstated. A whole year taper just to go back on.

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Thanks for the clarification. I wish I had a magic bullet that could restore your sleep. From what I read from earlier posts, the insomnia came on pretty quick. Before that you had normal sleep pattern, correct?

While benzos can work for a while, with time they don't.  Additionally, they do disrupt normal REM sleep.  

You might also try posting on the Insomnia Board.  This is and issue that many people have dealt with. 



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I stopped sleeping prior to being on benzos. That's why I was prescribed them. So this no sleep could just be me. But nothing works to get me to sleep. I've tried it all, including supplements, cannabis, cbti, but I'm suffering bad because without sleep I also don't eat, and can't function in most ways. I did post on insomnia board but thank you. I appreciate your replies.

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