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A week of withdrawal worsening


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Good evening.  I just found this forum from Benzo free Podcast.  I've taken xanax at 3 mg a day for about 4 years now.  Well, that was until 8 days ago.

I haven't had any benzo for 8 days. For the month before that, my doctor switched me to adavan twice a day. 

I am on day 8 and have had a tough week.  

I was able to work during the day and rested in the evening. 

On day one, I had a headache.  I've battled muscle spasms, cold chills (day 2), extreme whole body tension of clinching all my muscles, tmj from grinding my teeth, insomnia, exhaustion, confusion, and extremely dry skin. I twitch. I itch. I'm sore. My mouth is so dry and sores on tongue from friction (I guess). 

I am seriously considering not going to work tomorrow.  

I haven't had any benzo for 8 days.  I can't imagine taking any either. But, I need relief.  I plan on just roughing it and touching it out. I'm not taking any med to help me make this easier. My wife is so supportive and encouraging. 


Help, please and thank you,

Jon H


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Hi @[he...]

Welcome to BenzoBuddies!

I am so sorry for what you're going through. It sounds like you're in really bad withdrawal. Going cold turkey from benzo's is no walk in the park unfortunately. Is there a specific reason why you decided to cold turkey? These symptoms might stick around for a while or you might get a bit worse before it settles down, we just don't know since each person has an individual reaction. At 8 days off you are early enough to consider reinstatement if you wish to go back on your benzo and attempt a taper. That decision is however up to you and we will support you whatever you decide to do.

It's great to hear you have the support of your wife. Please know you have a community that understands what you're going through and please keep reaching out so we can help you through this.

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