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Been a hard last month and very worn out. Maybe should have tried to hold but made it down to .01mg. 
night dose makes me feel pretty bad and so I thought I should probably jump. 
Now having second thoughts on what the right thing to do is.

I am really nervous and I know it’s ideal to be more confident about jumping but I just am second guessing if I should have held a few weeks ago. I was keeping food down but have weekly storms hitting me and others have said just get off making yourself worse.

very conflicted.

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Hi @[Bo...]

It’s only natural to be apprehensive about jumping given the way you would be feeling. I can’t imagine you are experiencing any therapeutic affect from your 0.01 dose (less than half the suggested jump dose). If you think it would make you feel more comfortable knowing that you’ve done everything you can by holding for a little longer now and then tapering all the way down to 0.000, then maybe that’s the way for you to go, but, it would also most likely be just holding up your recovery. If you do feel extremely vulnerable at 0.01, maybe do the extra hold now that you think you should’ve done at 0.02 and then decide whether to jump or taper further. 

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Hi Boges, I'm not sure what is the best idea here.  Just want you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for your cns to calm. I know you are just so ready to be done with this and get on with the healing. Whatever you decide, you are on your way to better times. 💜

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