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Upper Left Quad - Burning


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Hi Buddies, 

I have a 'newish' symptom to bounce off you. The impetus of this post is to determine has ANYONE ELSE experienced something fairly similar? If so- how/when did it resolve?

I jumped off my last benzo last week. It's been almost two weeks. I jumped on Wednesday the 9th. Jumped off .06 alprazolam. Other than some head pressure, and some limited insomnia, I really have not had many issues.

A couple days ago, I started getting a (returning) symptom that I have not had since winter/spring time. This is a symptom I DID have for awhile last fall. I have a burning sensation in either my gut or decending colon (either or both - hard to discern due to the vastness of the pain). The burning in the upper left quadrant, goes all the way throuth to my back. It's pretty bad - it kept me up last night and HURTS. I'm going to be starting cabbage juice (really good for healing acid/gut issues) but...


I'm curious has anyone else had a burning sensation in their gut for prolonged periods? (I know what benzo belly is. This is different.) It almost feels like an ulcer. I can't get an endoscopy for a variety of reasons. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

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I’m sorry you’re suffering. There are plenty of GABA receptors in the gut. This could be a reason. I have had IBD since I can remember. 

Take care, 


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