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3 years out and depression carries on


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Hey guys. It’s been 3 years since I quit Valium and I’m in a bad wave. How long can this carries on? How long time took it for you to be healed from this? 

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So sorry you are going through a rough spot.   I know it is hard to continue to have symptoms this far out.   You will continue to heal and eventually your symptoms will subside.   There will be an end to this.    Of course, everyone is different so there is no predicting how long it will take.   What are your symptoms currently?  A

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Thank you for your answer! I’m just very depressed. Life is just very hard at the moment. And my anxiety have gone up as well. So depression and lots of anxiety. I just want to isolate myself, but I’m forcing myself to go out. It’s a sunny day outside but I’m hiding out in the house. Hope I will get a window soon 😅

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I understand!   Good for you for making yourself go out.   I always find that getting out is very helpful; there are lots of helpful distractions when we go out.   I am sorry life is hard right now.   Depression and anxiety can make us feel like isolating!   Totally normal, but it sounds like you are fighting against that.   Are you able to take walks when the weather is nice?

One day at a time with lots of patience wins the day.   I know you have probably heard that a million times, but it is true.   Keep reaching out here!

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On 19/08/2023 at 17:59, [[d...] said:

Yes I am able to go out and be in the nature. That helps a lot. Yes one day at the time! Thanks for your kind words!



I understand!   Good for you for making yourself go out.   I always find that getting out is very helpful; there are lots of helpful distractions when we go out.   I am sorry life is hard right now.   Depression and anxiety can make us feel like isolating!   Totally normal, but it sounds like you are fighting against that.   Are you able to take walks when the weather is nice?

One day at a time with lots of patience wins the day.   I know you have probably heard that a million times, but it is true.   Keep reaching out here!


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