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Hello all ..i am doing a taper from valium a year and a half ago i was on 30my self tapering with a blade down to 10 and half now was very ill and mentally drained could i take a long break now X

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Hello Caz

Well done on your taper so far.  I know it’s tough. It took me over a year to taper off 20 mgs diazepam. I used a razor blade from about 5 mgs.

I really wish we didn’t have to go through this suffering, unfortunately we have.  I know it will get better, you will come through this.

If you need to take a break for a while then do so, but I wouldn’t leave it too long.

Have you considered titration to slow the process down. 





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Hi @[...],

I'm impressed with how far you've come with your taper. Many people feel the symptoms get stronger as the doses get lower. It's OK to hold for while if necessary, or even slow the taper down, reducing less.

You are going great!

pianogirl :smitten:

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Thank you Pianogirl..oh i was at the brink of no return at one stage i didnt no any different i thought you had to taper during withdrawals ..Thanks for the support X

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Welcome @[...] to BB, hey you have done a really good job of coming down, I agree with others here, you can hold for a while and regroup if you want. I would just relax a bit and then restart anew, your Brain will thank you for letting it rest too, from the cuts. Hang in there, you will walk off too one day. Stay Strong. 💖Peace and Healing.

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Sure you can take a break and hold your dose, @[...]. When you feel ready physically and psychologically, you can start again. Many of us did the same thing. Sometimes tapering feels too overwhelming, and we just need to chill out. You did great to have come so far. Best wishes. 

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