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Tingly calf and foot


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I have a tingly feeling in the left side of my left knee, it started a few year ago, and it also feels a little numb.  This is to me, nerve damage.  I believe most of my issues is all about the nerves in my body (Central Nervous Symptom) which I am hoping, even believing that these issues will heal.  If not, I have adapted to the ones I have so far, but that takes time.  I can't say every issue I have is because of the benzo, but when I see the symptoms/side effects benzos can cause, most of mine are related.  Some are caused because I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes about 2.5 years ago.  I have that in remission now, no pills, just nutrition and exercise.

Have you have regular or semi-regular labs done?  I get mine a couple times a year, just to make sure I am on track :) Denise :hug:

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12 minutes ago, [[o...] said:

I have a tingly feeling in the left side of my left knee, it started a few year ago, and it also feels a little numb.  This is to me, nerve damage.  I believe most of my issues is all about the nerves in my body (Central Nervous Symptom) which I am hoping, even believing that these issues will heal.  If not, I have adapted to the ones I have so far, but that takes time.  I can't say every issue I have is because of the benzo, but when I see the symptoms/side effects benzos can cause, most of mine are related.  Some are caused because I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes about 2.5 years ago.  I have that in remission now, no pills, just nutrition and exercise.

Have you have regular or semi-regular labs done?  I get mine a couple times a year, just to make sure I am on track :) Denise :hug:

I think I’ve had every test in the book run so many times that my doctors are over it. I think I win the award for biggest hypochondriac in withdrawal  with all the blood work and scans I’ve had done! 

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5 minutes ago, [[h...] said:

I think I’ve had every test in the book run so many times that my doctors are over it. I think I win the award for biggest hypochondriac in withdrawal  with all the blood work and scans I’ve had done! 

What I meant more was, do you have any issues that need ongoing monitoring?  Like I have my A1c's done to make sure my Blood Glucose is within good range, and I have my pacemaker checked ;)  I've had a lot of tests run over the years but didn't need them regularly, oh, which reminds me, I had my first bone-density scan.  I've heard here, and think it is smart to rule out other conditions like the tingling reminded me a bit of my T2 Diabetes, but yours could be just exactly a wd sxs, Denise :hug:PS I do not take every preventative test they push on me though ;) not unless I have a symptom, even then, I use a lot of alternative medicines before I'd go for tests. 

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The only thing so far is low ferritin, which I am taking iron for. I was 36 when is began and I’m now 41. Otherwise everything else has pretty much been good so far and I did have my A1c tested even though my doctor didn’t think it was necessary, and it was of course normal. 
I did have a few MRIs of the brain in this, and had a few white spots which my neurologist said, was probably from a one time episode of demyelinization from the fast detox that I was told was safe, but then somebody was scaring me about Lyme the other day and I’ve had four line blood tests and now I’m stressed out if we should spend another $1600 to do a really expensive one. I’ve even gone as far as taking out a home equity loan and we did stem cell treatments… but this weekend when it began and I’ve never had anything that made me think I have Lyme even before this. 

I think at this point, I have a very overstimulated nervous system and limbic system, which is why I’m starting some brain retraining. The fear has lead me down too many rabbit holes in the last five years instead of just accepting what is it causing more  setbacks from the fear itself. 

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