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Forced to go out. Can't handle it!!


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I have to go out to buy groceries and I'm so stressed about it! My partner foolishly broke his leg ( he's been doing the shopping). Now, I have to as I don't like other people picking out my food for delivery. Haven't been out in more than half a year.,I can't bear to even look out my window as I'm easily triggered. What do I do? My partner wants to but I can't send out a man with a broken leg and live with myself! Thanks.

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Hi @[Bu...],

I’m sorry to hear of your husband breaking his leg.  Maybe it’s the universe’s way of saying it’s time to take a small step forward?

I know this feels big and overwhelming.  But, if you were really unable to attempt this, you would not be contemplating it due to others having to pick out your food!  I know what you speak of because I had a hard time with that, also.  And, there were times I would go out to pick up produce for that reason.  But, they were a few items, and I would come back home.

All you can do is try.  You could try to shorten your list to begin with to make your first attempt less overwhelming for you.  Have you been out even for a short drive yet?  If not, can you start small and just try a short trip first?

We all get to this place eventually…this may be your time. ❤️



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It'll be hard. So many people have a nasty attitude these days. That's one of the reasons I stopped going out- everyone's pawing the produce in peak covid times when they shouldn't have!!!! I wanted to explode!!!!

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@[Bu...]Would it be possible to go to a small grocery store?   If so, that might be a little less overwhelming.  You might be surprised once you decide to go out, and are on your way, things may not be as overwhelming as you thought.   I realize this would be a BIG step for you, but once you do it, you will feel so accomplished.   One baby step at a time is how we crawl back to some sense of normalcy.   I am pulling for you!  Let us know when you get back from the store and we will all give a big cheer!

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How about online ordering of groceries? At first it seems daunting, but it's so simple actually. Requires a bit of learning but then you do it automatically and have complete peace of mind.

I hope you succeed at this venture.



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1 hour ago, [[C...] said:

I do not know if this is possible in your area, but in some places in the world you can get your groceries delivered to you.

We have that here, so many retirees etc.  But one thing I learned from someone using the delivery is to tell them what you want, but if they don't have your brand, "no substitutes".  Of course I am totally picky about my food, and know the labels.  Otherwise, most of the folks I know that have used it since Covid are happy with it.  I know it was hard for me to go out after being in lock-down, and drive out of town somewhere??..forget it.  I'm ok now but I had to put one foot in front of the other, and when I did, I got my freedom back, which I cherish.

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I don't want people to touch my produce, as stated earlier. I did it before and they give the worst produce and old bread so I'd had enough of that . know it gets man-handled enough during the whole field to store process, though. 

Thank you all for your support.

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@[Bu...] I understand about not wanting anyone to pick out your food and veggies, I also do not like that. Plus I like to look at dates, to be sure I am not buying outdated items, I am picky, but do not want to get sick from others not being as aware. I am sorry about your partner's broken leg, sometimes the universe makes decisions we have to deal with and you will in your own way and time. I am not sure when you go to the store, but because of the Covid, I started going when they opened the store, and found that I felt safer, not being around a lot of people, and then I could take my time and shop and pick as I chose. And I still go early and it works out with my life. Hang in there, you will figure it out. Stay Strong.💖Peace and Healing.

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