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Severe eye blurriness, floaters??


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Can withdrawal cause vision loss I’m freaking out!! One of my eyes is suddenly got blurry now both are, it’s this permanent??


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If you're still 20 days out from cold turkey, it's likely withdrawal. There's a common mantra on here that when you're brain says "Oh my god I have this new symptom! Is it serious? Should I be worried???" the answer is usually "it's probably just the withdrawal".

Withdrawal gets your brain to play all sorts of crazy tricks on you. And the pain is real. However, it's usually best to let it last for a few days and see if it's constant or worsening. If you experience even a few hours where it seems not as bad, it's likely the withdrawal.

That said, if it lasts over a week with no change, sometimes it helps to see a doctor and double check. But sometimes random pain can last for several weeks with no medical explanation. In that case it's usually the withdrawal. Waiting for it to go away is extremely painful and can drive you crazy, but that's why most people will tell you to try to distract, try to ignore it while you wait for it to go away. It goes away for most people though, it did for me.

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@[sc...]  WD can cause blurred vision, floaters, burning eyes, aching eyes, glassy eyes, tearing.  I've got 'em all.  It can subside and then come back full on again.  No, it is not permanent.  Please do not panic.  In terms of the blurred vision, see below:


From The Ashton Manual:

'At the same time, the nerves to the muscles are hyperexcitable, leading to tremor, tics, jerks, spasm and twitching, and jumping at the smallest stimulus. All this constant activity contributes to a feeling of fatigue and weakness ("jelly-legs"). In addition, the muscles, especially the small muscles of the eye, are not well co-ordinated, which may lead to blurred or double vision or even eyelid spasms (blepharospasm).'


I hope this helps to put you at ease.



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@[Fa...] Thank you so much. This is a disturbing learning experience - always thought benzo withdrawal was dangerous but has no idea about all the symptoms. Pictured vomiting and feeling awful for awhile then going back after a week. Boy was I ignorant and naive. Ironic that tinnitus is a common symptom when in quit because I was worked about worse - as if that would sporadically happen??!! I threw out my brain when I stopped and now my ear condition which was the catalyst to stop is worse than ever. My mom is extremely upset and I’m stressing her out so much the she herself is sick. I really screwed it up. My poor mom, I ruined her life too. 

Sry for the rant. Dr wants me back on benzos/ssri no taper and it’s freaking me out.

You made me feel better about the eye issues, thank you SO much 

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@[sc...]  You’re very welcome.

We all feel as though we have wrecked others’ lives as we go through this.  We feel a lot of guilt and shame.  It is part of what BW does…we become our very own worst critic and our sense of self-worth and value plummets.  When the truth is, we are not well, and we deserve compassion for all we are going through because it is incredibly hard…understatement.

You did not ruin your mom’s life.  Life ‘happened’.  When people fall ill, it never only affects the person, it affects all those who care about them…whether that be cancer, or a serious injury…or this WD process, it is life in motion.  Please do not shoulder all of this as if you are to blame.  I know we all have done this, but we truly need to forgive ourselves as we have done nothing wrong.

Many, if not most, of us didn’t know what coming off of a benzo would look like.  I felt incredibly foolish myself. You are not alone in that. I hope you can come to a solution between you and your doctor that you feel comfortable with and advocate for what you feel is best for you.  Very important.



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