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Luvox and Valium interaction: I need help!


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I am using Luvox, Valium and pregabalin and I saw that the former 2 interacts.

I don't know how bad the interaction is and I don't know the real amount of updosing 1mg of Valium when on Luvox.

I found out this on a leaflet I guess while googling: "Diazepam – The co-administration of LUVOX Tablets and diazepam is generally not advisable. Because fluvoxamine reduces the clearance of both diazepam and its active metabolite, N-desmethyldiazepam, there is a strong likelihood of substantial accumulation of both species during chronic co-administration."

Is Luvox canceling any therapeutic effect of Valium?

Given this, I am considering switching the benzo to Lorax or Librium. But I don't know how and I don't know if any of this could kindle the alprazolam I quit in the past.

Please, help me think about alternatives. I will discuss later with my current doctor I guess.

Regarding ADs, I need it and I need updosing as OCD is being tough.

Any thoughts or experiences are welcomed.

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This sounds pretty complex.   Does your doctor understand benzo injury (BIND:  Benzo Induced Neurological Dysfunction)?   I am assuming the Luvox is to help with your OCD?    I am not sure anyone on this forum can answer these questions specifically, as it seems to be very specific to your situation.  What condition was being treated by Valium?  And the pregabalin?   It might help anyone else that has been in a similar situation to know a little bit about your history.    I am sorry I am not very helpful, but maybe someone else will weigh in who has had a similar experience.   Of course, nobody can give you medical advice, but they can certainly discuss with you what their experience has been.   Let us know if you are able to get some guidance from your doctor on this.

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My doctor knows benzos are harmful but is not a "benzowise doctor". Is BIND something permanent? Yes, the Luvox is for OCD. I am on Valium after crosstapering from alprazolam, which I used to deal with anxiety while on other meds in the past. The pregabalin was associated supposedly to help with the benzo taper.

I wonder if it's dangerous to stay on Luvox and Valium at the same time.

I also wonder if something on Lorax or Librium could have something similar enough to alprazolam to kindle due to the alprazolam I quit.

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You’re right. There’s a major interaction. I wouldn’t give up on diazepam, though. How long have you been on Luvox? I hated this med with passion. The brain fog was terrible.

I also have OCD since age fourteen. Lasted maybe a week on Luvox, like on Paxil. Another calming SSRI which works for OCD is Lexapro. I used to be on it for years. Works well enough for OCD. Effexor XR worked great for OCD in my case. However, I was on Ambien then, no diazepam. So you’d have to check the interactions using Drug Interaction Checker. Here’s what it says about your Luvox:


Interactions between your drugs


diazePAM  fluvoxaMINE

Applies to: diazepam, Luvox (fluvoxamine)

Ask your doctor before using diazePAM together with fluvoxaMINE. This can cause drowsiness, confusion, muscle weakness, fainting, or coma. If your doctor does prescribe these medications together, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take both medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.

You may want to look for another pdoc. I wouldn’t trust this one anymore. There’s also Zoloft and Remeron and so many other ADs that would make your OCD symptoms subside.

I only tolerate fluoxetine (Prozac), but it comes with this chemical anxiety. One can get used to it.

OCD is a bitch. I’m so sorry. I know what you’re going through. Many people here cannot even imagine. If I were to compare BZD WD and OCD... OCD is worse, IMO.

Here’s a book recommendation for you. Each time I meet a fellow OCD sufferer, my heart breaks into pieces. Why is life so cruel. Okay, the book. Available on Amazon. Know it by heart.



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@[fu...] No, BIND is not something permanent.  That is a term the Benzo withdrawal community is using to try to help explain the symptoms we have once we have withdrawn from the drug.   Telling doctors you are having withdrawal symptoms months after stopping the drug is causing them to question what is happening.   Physicians are trained that withdrawal from these drugs should not take very long and that there are no lingering effects.   Instead people are now using the acronym BIND which tends to explain why people are still symptomatic.   Thanks for answering my questions.    If you want to get a benzo wise doctor to give you some direction there is a psychiatrist that you can reach out to who does nothing but treat people withdrawing from benzos and antidepressants.  He would definitely be helpful.   His name is Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring.   You can look him up on YouTube.  He has lots of videos.   I am not necessarily endorsing him or his approach, but I know he has helped lots of people.

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21 hours ago, [[E...] said:


You’re right. There’s a major interaction. I wouldn’t give up on diazepam, though. How long have you been on Luvox? I hated this med with passion. The brain fog was terrible.

I also have OCD since age fourteen. Lasted maybe a week on Luvox, like on Paxil. Another calming SSRI which works for OCD is Lexapro. I used to be on it for years. Works well enough for OCD. Effexor XR worked great for OCD in my case. However, I was on Ambien then, no diazepam. So you’d have to check the interactions using Drug Interaction Checker. Here’s what it says about your Luvox:

Interactions between your drugs


diazePAM  fluvoxaMINE

Applies to: diazepam, Luvox (fluvoxamine)

Ask your doctor before using diazePAM together with fluvoxaMINE. This can cause drowsiness, confusion, muscle weakness, fainting, or coma. If your doctor does prescribe these medications together, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take both medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.

You may want to look for another pdoc. I wouldn’t trust this one anymore. There’s also Zoloft and Remeron and so many other ADs that would make your OCD symptoms subside.

I only tolerate fluoxetine (Prozac), but it comes with this chemical anxiety. One can get used to it.

OCD is a bitch. I’m so sorry. I know what you’re going through. Many people here cannot even imagine. If I were to compare BZD WD and OCD... OCD is worse, IMO.

Here’s a book recommendation for you. Each time I meet a fellow OCD sufferer, my heart breaks into pieces. Why is life so cruel. Okay, the book. Available on Amazon. Know it by heart.


OCD can surely be brutal and I appreciate your empathy for the condition. I have this book, I was reading a new one that seemed promising called Pure OCD I think, but I am having trouble reading these days.

Regarding meds, I am in a tricky situation. The times I increases the SSRI after sertraline influenced the tinnitus. I was thinking about Paxil as it helped in the past with OCD and didn't cause tinnitus but I don't like the potential side effects and It could be a gamble. Clomipramine has a different MoA and worked in the past to some degree in a low dose (75mg) but then I would deal with interactions.

I don't know what to do. Maybe Rexulti could help.

Your experience with Remeron was good? I can't find many success stories on it for OCD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@[Es...] Do you think mirtazapine helped more with the obsessions, the compulsions or both? You got substantially better using it? I am considering given that I tried updosing Luvox again and had a tinnitus spike. I am also considering trying Rexulti.

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@[de...] Thank you for the recommendation, but I would need a Brazilian benzowise doctor to help my parents to comprehend and also to help with my treatment and taper. I wonder if anyone here knows a Brazilian one. Sorry for the delay, I am facing some hard times these days.

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21 hours ago, [[f...] said:

@[Es...] Do you think mirtazapine helped more with the obsessions, the compulsions or both? You got substantially better using it? I am considering given that I tried updosing Luvox again and had a tinnitus spike. I am also considering trying Rexulti.


Found some "Mirtazapine for OCD reviews" if you're interested. Here is an article from Medscape on mirt for OCD. I think it could be effective. I didn't take it long enough cause of the weight gain but I believe it worked. I mostly thought about food back then.

I will check "Pure OCD”. One of my fav books on OCD is also ”When Perfect Isn't Good Enough", it is written by doctors. Read it several times. It was recommended to me by a doctor. Not a pdoc, but an extremely smart woman, struggling with a mental disorder herself. She also introduced me into the DSM.

My OCD dates well back before the benzos or any psych meds and it has always been extremely cruel. 

Here is an article on interactions between mirt and brexpiprazole (Rexulti) in case you considered taking them together. All this to be consulted with your pdoc. No medical professionals here, sorry.

All the best to you❤️


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@[Es...] Thank you for all the info, Paula. I also deal with pre existing OCD (since as adolescent or before) and I understand you on what you mean.

All the best for you too!


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Let's keep in touch. Not many people here understand OCD as a preexisting condition to benzo dependence. This is called dual diagnosis. I hate talking about my own OCD, but doctors think it's a primary concern before BZD use. Will catch up with 💙 tomorrow. Ran out of them. An OCD sufferer needs to have everything organized. At least outside. Cause inside, there is just raging chaos and complete lack of control.

Take care❤️


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