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Just a suggestion until the protracted group gets started.......


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I understand there will be a Protracted group put in place soon, and I am looking forward to that.   Until then, may I humbly make a recommendation?  Since we are all lumped together for the moment, it might be prudent for those who aren't protracted (meaning those who are less than 18 months off) not wade into the questions/thoughts of those who are.    Still tapering or newly off a benzo people and protracted people are in very different places.  A protracted person can relate to a newbie, but it is not necessarily the other way around.   Also, it might be scary for the newbie to read some of the protracted buddies comments.   A possible solution might be for the protracted folks to put "Protracted" in the Title when they start a new topic.


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8 hours ago, [[N...] said:

When will it return? I’m having trouble maneuvering this new forum. 

It is returning very soon.   Sorry you are having trouble maneuvering the new forum.  Change can be sort of tricky especially if our brains are not 100%.   I explore it a little bit every day, and am getting quite used to how it works.  

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