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Looking for benzo-aware psychiatrist or prescriber in/near Atlanta, GA


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Hi I recently moved to Atlanta, and am in search of a benzo-aware prescriber willing to work on a slow taper from Lorazapam. If anyone can offer any guidance, I would be so appreciative.

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Hi LionsMane, welcome to the boards.

I'm not from Atlanta (or the state's). So I've no personal experience of this doctor. But he's listed on the "mad in America" website as someone willing to work with people wanting to taper.


Maybe someone else from Atlanta will be able to help with a personal recommendation, but this doctor could be a starting point. Others that have struggled to find a doctor to work with in the past have found a Nurse Practitioner, who generally seem to be a bit more understanding of the situation.

Hope you can get sorted 

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Thank you, Having a mare--I really appreciate you finding and sharing this doctor with me (and for the welcome!).

Sadly, it appears Dr. Whitfield passed away in 2021.

I will keep searching, though. I'm curious about finding a NP--are there certain kinds of NP's that are typically better to approach? And would you suggest asking about a willingness for a slow taper before setting the first appointment? I feel wary of sharing too much private info with someone I might not work with, but also don't want to waste anyone's time.

Thanks again for the help!

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2 hours ago, [[L...] said:

Thank you, Having a mare--I really appreciate you finding and sharing this doctor with me (and for the welcome!).

Sadly, it appears Dr. Whitfield passed away in 2021.

I will keep searching, though. I'm curious about finding a NP--are there certain kinds of NP's that are typically better to approach? And would you suggest asking about a willingness for a slow taper before setting the first appointment? I feel wary of sharing too much private info with someone I might not work with, but also don't want to waste anyone's time.

Thanks again for the help!

Ah that's no good is it. Maybe there's others in the area. Hopefully someone with some local know will be able to help out.

NP's - I don't think it's any particular kind. It's just generally NP's are a bit more practical and may have had some real life experience with people coming off meds. Doctors seem to me at least to be a bit more, can I say arrogant? And they think they know best. Where as an NP would tend to listen to your concerns etc. If it was me, I'd just be honest with them when making inquiries. You want to taper off and looking for some help in doing so. I doubt they'd even think twice, and certainly wouldn't think anything bad of you, even if you didn't work with them. It's just another day at the office for them after all 

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