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BIND vs PAWS....so confused


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I am definitely confused by this.  I really need a Dr to work with me but I don't know what to tell them is happening.  I am off klonopin since first week of June,  with massive withdrawal symptoms. Two Fridays from now I am going to a Dr and want to bring the best information that they can easily understand what I am experiencing. 

Should I say PAWS or BIND or what?  I have the Ashton Manual but what Dr is going to read that?  I need something concise .

Asking opinions on this. 

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Tip of the hat for recognizing that you need something concise.  Here’s a suggestion from a psychiatrist who specializes in medication tapers, second opinions, and medication management. 


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I might print out the Psychology Today article on BIND as well.  If you are able to convince your doctor that this is neurological, and not necessarily psychiatric in nature, the discussion changes completely.  

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