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Coping mechanisms for tapering off Valium 1mg per day


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Hi, I'm new. I am taking 1mg of Valium per day. I am in the tapering off process. Reducing 0.5mg every 2 weeks. I came down from 15mg per day over the last year. Any advice? Feeling sleepy, irritated and lots of indecision, confusion. This last 1mg seems really difficult. Has anybody else felt that? Do people take it in the night or day. Any major advantages and disadvantages of that besides the drowsiness. I have always been taking after breakfast so don’t know how the change will be. Any coping mechanisms. Cannot focus. Cannot make decisions. Not looking for binding medical advice just experiences from people who have been in similar situations.


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Hello P.. welcome to BenzoBuddies,

Congratulations on getting your dose so low, I'm surprised to hear you're feeling sleepy, I understood most people on Valium acclimate to the sedative properties, have you always felt sleepy while taking it?

Most members have a more difficult time the lower they get in dose, so they typically slow down towards the end, are you thinking this may be something you need to try?  Are you pills the 2 mg?

As far as when to dose, do you have trouble sleeping?  Most will dose at night to aid in sleep but that doesn't sound like a problem for you. 

As far as coping, I'm sure our other members will share what works for them.

We're glad you found us.


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Hi Pamster,

I haven't felt sleepy while on higher doses but after getting to 2mg, 1.5mg, 1mg mark, I've felt the sleepiness coming on, same with the indecision and confusion.

I was told to reduce 0.5mg every 2 weeks. Are you saying that is something I should reconsider, with the advice of a doctor? I have the 2mg pills.

I don't have trouble sleeping but I'm concerned if I take it at night, will the effects last during the day, which is when I need it.

Also, I don't want to change the timings so close to quitting.



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Your situation is interesting, I don't think I've run across a member showing your symptoms, its almost like you're over medicated.  I wonder if your body is telling you its time to be done with the drug, we typically suggest using your symptoms to guide your taper.  Professor Ashton recommended jumping off Valium at 1 mg.

I agree, making a change to the time you dose would be too much trouble at this point.  

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Interesting you say that my body might be over medicated. I don't know about the body but I know that in my mind I would like nothing more than to be off these drugs. I would have never thought they would cause so much damage. So maybe it's my mind telling my body this, and the result is, these over medicated symptoms occurring.

Since I've started the 1mg (coming from 1.5mg from 2 weeks prior to that) 4 days ago, I will continue this for 10 days and then try and either stay on the 1mg cycle for a few more days and jump to zero straightaway or perhaps decrease to 0.25mg for the next 2 weeks and then jump to zero. From memory, I've done the 1mg/0.5mg/0.25mg/0 tapering off cycle before, and it's been a very smooth transition.

I will have to look at my medical records but I remember being put on desvenlafaxine 50mg per night either a few years after I stopped valium the last time or in combination with it. I say this because I'm toying with the idea of getting on desvenlafaxine 50mg if I have difficulty after completely tapering off valium. I say this because desvenlafaxine was very easy to get off and provided the best sleep I've ever had. It also gave me a lot of motivation/energy throughout the day. However, I'll only get into using SNRIs if I really need it as I really want to be in a body without any drugs at all. 

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Thanks for the information. I am now realizing I have been going through the symptoms for 5 years, but didn't know it. Big shock to me. The more I'm learning about Benzos the more I'm realizing, that's me.

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You're not alone in finally connecting the dots, so many members had no idea the suffering they've been dealing with for years is due to the drug.  Countless tests, scans, doctor visits, questions unanswered, medications prescribed, labels assigned, all at great financial, personal and health costs.

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This is so true. I am a very aware person but now I feel I know what was the cause of most of my issues, not having a clear mind. I did read the label but just like the doctors dismissed it, as we do so many things, so did I. The label should be very clear to say that you will be addicted and you will need to get off this ASAP otherwise you will lose your mind. If I had that kind of warning I would have left it straightaway.

The problem I went into this medication for, was nothing compared to this medication's side effects. I feel like I have been cheated. The more documentaries I'm watching, the more these symptoms are manifesting in me because before I think I was psychologically not aware of these, but moreover the determination to leave this medication is also being built.

I am attending the Narcotics Anonymous Zoom group for support till I visit the Saturday online Benzo Zoom group. I am really feeling like all my problems are because of this and because I don't have a clear mind I cannot plan. Now I wonder what in the past were actually my issues and what were created by this tablet.

All my issues would have clear end points, these tablets made the issue and me confused. Most of the issues were escalated because I was on this tablet. The pharmacist always give me a hard time about giving these tablets, and I didn't like him for this, but I now think they were the only ones concerned about my health even if it was due to the liability they could face.

They knew exactly what these tablets do and couldn't tell me straightforwardly, but that's what their body language was indicating. I am on day 7 and most of the symptoms have flattened out and I am going to wait 7 more days before I cut to 0.5mg diazepam per day, but man am I feeling the drug and what it's doing to me while I am writing this. It is so weird to have something inside of you which controls how you stop it. This means it has complete dominance over you. I've quit alcohol and cigarettes before but this is the ultimate, because you feel so low in front of the power this tablet has over you. I am trying to use this thread as a personal journal. Will it be okay if I attach 2-3 minutes of voice recordings for future updates / questions.

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I'm grateful to see you looking back, understanding how all of this interconnects will give you the strength you need to finish your taper and recover from your use.

We're a text based community so your voice recording may not fit with our format but please do use this thread to keep us updated, I'm very interested in your journey. 

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I have been feeling very drowsy over the last couple of days. Before I use to sleep during the day, but over the last few days I decided not to do that. Yesterday attended the NYC Hope Zoom meeting. Found it useful but I got the impression that reducing 0.5mg per 2 weeks is very fast. Since then I've been thinking about this. Funny this wasn't in my head before and I'm now thinking should I hold the dose?

As far as I have read, after getting to 5mg, you can reduce 0.5mg every two weeks but they were saying 5-10% every month for which I told them, this only applied to higher doses, as per Dr Ashton. My doctor is saying a minimum of 0.5 mg every 2 weeks as well. Before attending this group there wasn't a doubt in my mind about reducing it 0.5mg every 2 weeks. That's the way this medication works I guess. Any non-binding general advice would be appreciated. I have read a lot of your comments in other posts and feel you would have a lot of good experiences and knowledge on the subject about what other people have been through. Obviously, the final decision would be mine. 

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I've seen a lot here but seeing isn't the same as experiencing it first hand so I'll give you what I've concluded.  Letting your symptoms dictate your taper rate is best, sticking to a spreadsheet, or rigid time table devised by someone else can lead to increased symptoms.  Monitoring and adjusting your taper is a helpful component of this process but one of the most important aspects is confidence in your chosen method.  When we doubt, we can sabotage ourselves, this let's stress creep in and stress brings on symptoms.

Its good to be open to opinions and suggestions but we're all so different, what works for one may not work for another.  I trust you, you know yourself better than anyone, and if your doctor is willing to keep you supplied long enough to do this your way, then I feel believe you'll be successful.

Just remember, there is the taper, then there is recovery and that can take some time.

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I think that is some good advice. I think I did get effected by their opinions and a lot of them are tapering off very slowly as compared to my situation. I might be selective about where and go and how much I get into this. I have not been out of the house very much over the last week, so I might do that tomorrow.

The meeting yesterday was very interactive and I am the kind of person who likes to observe for a long time, before participating but I was forced to participate as a way of introducing myself. They also took a liking to me and wanted me to contribute more, which I liked, but it also put me on the spot. Actually yesterday I was frustrated that I have not able to speak to anyone who is actually going through this (not a doctor), so when I participated I came on a bit strong and I think that is what increased my anxiety and has led me feeling the way I am feeling. I am thinking about going back up 0.5mg but I think I will wait for the next 7 days and wait for the entire 2 week cycle to progress, speak to my doctor and then make a decision. I have done tapering off before, so I  know that it can be done again.

I was thinking of posting another topic:

 ‘What single activity helped you taper off and reduce withdrawal symptoms? (e.g walks, food, meeting people etc.)’

Should I post this one this thread or make a new one?

Also, if I physically break a tablet – and have the other half after a few weeks to 1 month, will it lose its potency? I like to break a fresh tablet each day.



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Being social was terribly difficult for me when I was recovering, I was uncomfortable and self conscious, I had difficulty forming words so I can't understand why people would want to participate in Zoom meetings or any others so I can relate to your discomfort.  I like your plan, especially allowing more time for this latest reduction.

I'd start another thread, subject titles are important in getting the feedback you need. 

I don't believe breaking a tablet would compromise its effectiveness. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just looking for some non-binding tappering advice. Can I dissolve a 5mg valium tablet into 500ml of water and then take the 100ml solution per day. I am taking 1mg per day. I am in a country where I can't get scales or liquid valium solution. If I have 100ml per day, will the 500ml solution lose potency if I seal it in a jar? Is the 500ml water volume too high? I can use 250ml. Please advise.

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I think I made my cut my 0.5mg valium too quickly. Was on 2mg then went to 1.5mg valium in 2 weeks. That was okay. Then after 2 weeks tapered from 1.5 Valium to 1mg. That brought on some heavy symptoms. Still existing after 2 weeks. I don't want to increase dosage, so I have to wait for this to flatten out. Because I should have waited for 2 months to cut 1mg (cutting 0.5mg every month) and did this over 1 month, I think I need to wait at least a month before I can even think about doing anything. Previously to this, I was tapering 1mg every month. Came down from 15mg to 4mg in a smooth way, tapering 1mg every 2-3 months. That was okay. When I got to the 4mg mark, I start cutting 0.5mg every month. Visting chemists and being looked at like a criminal made me do this. Also where I am there is a scarcity of tablets. I only get 5mg and I am unable to cut that to 1mg or 0.5mg or 0.25mg so I thought if I do this then I can knock it down and get on with my life - big mistake. This tablet does impair with your thinking - no question about that. 

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@[Pa...]Zoom meetings are helping me gather information. I feel like I am in a place where I can relate to other people. The recent cut is having very bad effects so I will be holding for 1 or 2 months. Will just go through the symptoms and wait to flatten as don't want to increase dosage. Would appreciate your comments on the previous 2 posts.

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I can’t speak to your titration questions since I didn’t taper, but I’m going to ask another member to drop by, hopefully they can help out.


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Thank you for answering my questions. Can you please share your tapering increments from the 1mg valium mark and the time taken to reach zero.

From your experience do you think I should wait for this dosage to flatten out, symptoms-wise, since the last cut was 19 days ago or increase back up 0.5mg valium? Diarrhea\ sleep\ not being able to concentrate\ and zero energy are all probably symptoms of my premature tapering. Just want to know on average how long do these symptoms go away after a premature cut. Appreciate your help.

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