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Can Paxil make things worse?


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When I CT ativan and tried to hold out for 3 weeks I ended up in the ER. I was put in contact with a psychiatrist who is very benzo wise and told me exactly what was happening. At the time he suggested I go on Clonazapam and Paxil to wean the Clonazapam. He said it would not be easy but I’d never feel as awful as I did then. He was right, some of the symptoms did go away. I still have extreme exhaustion, extreme anxiety, crying fits and ear pressure as well as some tinnitus that comes and goes. I realize this could be the wean but could Paxil make it worse? How do we know? My plan is to continue to wean Clonazapam and then wean the Paxil. 

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Every time I've gotten off Benzos (this is my 4th time) I was on Paxil when I did it. I can't really say if its worse without it since I've never done it. But I can say for certain that you can get off benzos while on Paxil.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Yes, some people absolutely don't tolerate Paxil's sxs. I'm one of them. I also felt extreme exhaustion and fatigue, terrible brain fog. You could ask your pdoc to just replace it with some other SSRI, this is how I got off Paxil. I was deteriorating so quickly I wasn't willing to wait and I knew these were not the tiny bits of diazepam I took. Suddenly, I became a different person, completely unable to think.

Good luck:hug:


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@[Es...]how did you switch to a different ssri? Which one did you switch to? Did you just stop Paxil and l start another? Or did you take both for a bit and wean Paxil? I’m so lost with what to do. 

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I just switched, per doctor's orders. I think I slightly tapered Paxil, but I only lasted on it a short time. The time you are on a psych med is extremely important, cause it accumulates in your system. I think it was escitalopram I switched to - Lexapro. You know, these ADs have their equivalent doses, just as the BZD do:

Antidepressant Comparison Guide

It is all to be talked over with your pdoc. I'm speaking from my personal experience and cannot give you any advice whatsoever.

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@[Es...] thanks. I’ve been on Paxil now 10 months. I was put on it when I reinstated Clonazapam and really have no idea which one is hurting me more. Some days I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. This is all so scary. 

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2 hours ago, [[D...] said:

I have no doctors I trust and don’t know what to do. 

Why do you trust people here and don't trust doctors? We're are all perfect strangers on the internet. All we can offer is peer support and a bit of our own experience plus knowledge. But it's up to you to find the doctor with whom you will reach some kind of compromise.

You cannot use the internet as a sole source of help. It's dangerous. You can present to your doctor our knowledge and experience. See if it's possible to work with them. You may start looking for a benzo-wise, AD-wise doctor: by reading patients' reviews, consulting friends and family. You cannot be on your own with an IT device in your hand. It's not enough.

We'll always be here to help, but we are not medical professionals. Have you considered therapy? It also works wonders. 

Besides, you don't have to agree to everything your doctor says. Listen to your body. The more you know and understand yourself, the better. Therapy also acts on neurotransmitters in the brain. Many things do: meditation, exercise, reading non biased self-help books, having a circle of supportive friends, a loving pet.

In the end, the only person who can save yourself is you❤️

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Every time I have a serious challenge in my life I've run back to Paxil and benzos. For most of the last 10 years I've been on various doses of Paxil, though just 5mg for much of that time. I'm currently back up to 20mg. It's taken a lot of work on my part to understand my cyclic behavior and try and find another way. Hating doctors and medication is not a worthwhile endeavor. I'm trying to take to responsibility for my decisions, let the past go and focus on doing what's healthy and productive going forward.

I'd like to echo what @[Es...] was saying. Forums like this can be soothing because people here know your pain and they can be very good listeners and responders, unlike medical professionals. But no two people are alike and we all have different baggage and needs. Be kind to yourself and take some time to understand yourself. I'm a big fan of talk therapy, if you can find a therapist who fits your style and are wiling to work, you can make a lot of progress.

I guess I made this response about me. Hopefully it provides some value to others.

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