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Issues with NSAID’s and Tylenol


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Hi, tapering off Valium current dosage is 3.14 and doing a micro taper so reducing .01mg two days on and one day off. So I can maintain 5-10% reduction over each month.

Anyway, I have muscle/fascia issues even prior to ever taking a Benzo. Myofascial pain syndrome and Fibro have been thrown around since before I also started Benzos. Tapering has obviously made this worse. I was using NSAID’s regularly for a decent period of time to manage the pain. Suddenly I couldn’t tolerate taking them anymore dizziness, nausea and headache would accompany after taking them and would leave slowly after the med wore off. It’s recently also started happening with Tylenol as well, I’m not really sure what the deal is or if this is normal during the taper process. I’m typically really sensitive to medications in general, I have Celiac and some other medical issues dating before Benzo usage so they aren’t withdrawal related. I was more curious if becoming sensitive to meds you were previously fine on is something that happens, should this not be a concern. This whole tapering thing is exhausting and really hard to manage some days.

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Welcome to Benzo Buddies,

Psyche and Soma are closely interrelated. If your Body feels the pain, it means that your Soul could be hurting. Have you tried therapy? Are you under a decent medical care?

Yes, NSAiDs can ruin your stomach, if taken over a long period of time. Tylenol contains codeine, which is an opiate. Here is the relevant article: “Codeine Withdrawal: What It Is and How to Cope“

Opiates taken long-term will always make your pain worse. This is called “Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia“

I’d rather get rid of the Tylenol first and then continue the BZD taper. Maybe the pain will just subside if you quit Tylenol.

Take care:hug:



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No this is just regular Tylenol not with codeine in it. Just OTC, I do actually see a therapist as I am also one myself. I see several specialists that I’ve been seeing since prior to being harmed by Benzos. 

I was really looking for alternatives to OTC Tylenol and NSAID’s for headaches and general muscle pain besides massage therapy etc… like a supplement that is safe.

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