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I’ve had horrific side effects with prednisone. I actually have it listed as a drug allergy with my doctors so I never have it prescribed to me again.
When I take it, my mind races a million miles an hour, I get very bad dissociation, and insomnia, it’s awful. If you have time, do some research on it, it’s a pretty potent drug known to induce these symptoms. You have to weigh the risk vs reward with this drug. 

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Steroids are definitely something to be wary of in WD. Many have had setbacks from them. Not saying everyone does and you may be ok. But if there's another option it's probably best to avoid steroids to be on the safe side.

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Steroids can indeed be tricky, but affect people differently. Steroids can impact the HPA axis and some people react negatively.

I had to weigh the risks and benefits for myself. I’ve had a bad shoulder for years. While in recovery I was preparing for my first performance since my jump off. My shoulder was very bad. I did have an injection and had only had the usual side effects that anyone might experience. Flushing, a burst of energy the first day and slight bit of insomnia.

I’ve actually had several injections and taken the dose pack a couple of times in the past few years, I’m healed from benzo withdrawal and have no difficulties with it.

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I have had to use different creams for female issues that have a small amount of steroid in them.  I can never tell if I am reacting to the cream itself, or if I am just in a wave out of nowhere.  I used some estradiol twice and since my dose last Thursday I have felt awful.



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Thanks everyone for the replies.  I think I'll stay clear of steroids for a while longer.   

I'm healed from an Ambien setback but I don't want to take any chances.  The risk right now is too great



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