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They are back with vengeance


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I’m 11 months and two weeks Benzo free’ many of the horrible symptom I had at my taper and force cold turkey that I thought had abated are kicking my butt the last 2 to 3 days. I thought I was done with electricity in my hands and feet my legs again feel like lead head pressure, pounding, headache, intrusive thoughts, anger, outbursts at the simplest of things, screaming tinnitus in left ear. feeling detached again. Unbelievable but I still have hope that it’ll all go away one day the windows I had in Months seven and up to now given the last three days has been wonderful but this one is rough rougher than the rest. I’m ready for the sash to open again. trying to remain grateful that I am here. I am above ground, wishing all the best in recovery.

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Firstly @[Gr...] Welcome to BB. Sadly it is par for the course for some to have the sx come back, even far out, I think that they will go away, just like they came on. It takes an incredible amount of time for our Brain to heal, and it may be trying to tie all the loops together and once it does its fine tuning you will feel better. I have friends that this has happened to, and they are doing OK now, but with the knowledge that healing will take as long as it takes. You have two of the key elements for going forward, Hope and being Grateful, I do not think that most people know how important that is, but you are ahead and you will feel better again. Hang on and try to distract and don't let the Benzo >:D get the better of you, you are Stronger than ever and right now use that strength as you can.💖 Peace and Healing.

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